Praise for Hearthstone

I love this game a lot and I really like how the developers try to keep the players interested with new modes and constantly updating the game with more cards, among other things.

  • I played since Starving Buzzard was the original broken MVP for hunter hahah

I’m happy with most of the stuff (for now with the Twist format this month), but I’d say Hearthstone could still use a little bit of trimming around the ‘edges’ or where the game allows explosive (or exploitative) draw and/or field advantage, especially with Mana cheating.

  • The counter play is nice. Hitting a field of 1/1’s with Maelstrom Portal for example.

I feel more for the counter play as turn based, rather than deck/class based, so it’s on a turn-by-turn basis so there isn’t complete shut-downs of games solely based on what class/deck the opponent is playing.

  • Like for example, a minion-based deck gets shut-down by an AOE removal deck, or a slow deck loses to an OTK deck, or a combo deck auto-loses to a slow deck, kinda too polarized that way.

I’m happy with most elements of the game but there is definitely broken stuff that needs adjustments. Kinda sick of wild discard warlock. Losing on turn 4 every game is not ideal.

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