Power creep is real

If you had had the decks we have now in 2014 and no one else you would have won every match on the way to legendary. Change my mind.

well, you’d be banned probably for having cards that no one else has that weren’t added to the game by the devs at the point yet, but yeah.

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I’m still over here using lackey decks that weren’t even good the year they were released just to prove I CAN win using stuff mostly from 2019 against the current year. David and Goliath matches are the diamonds in the rough amongst most of the weird exploit curb stomps

Power creep would be sustained by the lack of other options.

Assuming standard here, new player wants to keep playing. Gets pounded, it’s normal he’s learning. Then he keeps getting pounded. And sooner or later, either it’s going for netdecking, of he quits.

The only problem with the power creep is the lack of solutions to a few very real “i win buttons”. I remember Druid, uh i don’t know the name. Choose one 5 treants or +3 and taunt. Do both. Sure ok… Then what, how do i bounce from that? You know there’s more.

The soluion to power creep, is solutions to power creep. Board swipes, minion removal, bypasses to immunities… Predators.

Just my opinion.

The solution to power creep would be to make each card do less. Hard reset Standard with new sets, and start from 0 again. Too many mana discounts, board clears, face damage all baked into cards that draw or discover. There isn’t really a solution to power creep, since anything you print that isn’t stronger won’t be played.

According to HSReplay the #1 deck is Flood Paladin which wins with a bunch of 1-1’s.

Absolutely no so called “power creep”.

Doomkin is literally the worst bs I have ever seen. This card is way above any balancurve.

I’m round 3, my oppenent round 8 … fun