Positivity on Forums

Why is there so little positivity here in the forums? Before I started here I spent most of my time on the WoW forums. I thought that was the epitome of negativity, but I think Hearthstone forums have outdone WoW in this aspect.

Why is there so much negativity here? This game is so fun and lighthearted!

The game is garbage and the fanbois on the forums need a reality check.


simple answer, this is a card game, the strategy should be the only thing in play beyond the randomization of the draw, in reality there is a very high random component now clearly approved by millions of players as managed by an AI and therefore non-random, we all wonder how it works, the fact is that unlike other games focused more on things in which blizzard doesn’t have many tools to maximize profits, here instead if you strongly manage the functioning of the game you can direct users to spend more by going well beyond simple expansion, if you just think that in the arena or duels it takes two euros per entrance you can understand what we are talking about, so everyone complains about something some knowingly know that if an external structure with authority went to check how the code works hearthstone source we would finally understand many things, others are just stressed and do nothing but try to build that deck that stresses them by spending more and more money entering a loop that is obviously wanted

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It’s a card game. In every match there is 1 winner and 1 loser. Players are salty when they lose.

They come here to vent about those losses while the winner queues up and plays again.


Wow, I had no idea that’s how card games worked! Thank you so much for enlightening me. I was under the impression that people played card games to have fun and enjoy the experience, but I guess it’s all about winning and losing. Silly me!

And of course, it’s only natural for people to be salty when they lose. Who wouldn’t want to spend their time and money on a game, only to come out empty-handed and frustrated? It’s just so logical and reasonable!

But don’t worry, I’ll make sure to keep all my salty feelings to myself from now on. I wouldn’t want to offend anyone with my emotions or anything. After all, the winner is queuing up and playing again, so clearly they’re the only ones who matter.

There are several potential psychological explanations for the prevalence of negativity on online forums. One contributing factor is the relative anonymity of online interactions. When individuals feel that they can post comments or engage in discussions without revealing their true identities, they may be more likely to express negative opinions or engage in aggressive behavior. This phenomenon, known as the “online disinhibition effect,” can lead to a lack of empathy or concern for others, and an increased likelihood of engaging in aggressive or negative behavior.

Additionally, online forums often attract a diverse range of individuals with varying levels of emotional regulation and social skills. Some individuals may struggle to effectively communicate their frustrations or opinions without resorting to negative or hostile language. Furthermore, online forums may provide a platform for individuals who are experiencing personal difficulties or emotional distress to vent their feelings and seek validation from others, which can contribute to a negative tone overall.

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