Portal destruction neutral card

WE NEED one of these to remove /portals please. Once one hits the board its GG. Infinite mobs. Warlock titan is the biggest problem with this. IF you implement something you NEED A COUNTER to it.


There are plenty of ways to prevent and counter Sargeras.

He can be destroyed, stolen, blocked or countered with a secret. And if he is pulled from the hand onto the battlefield then the portal doesn’t appear and his abilities do nothing.

The fact that he can sent all minions away without triggering the deathrattles is the only really strong ability of this minion. I’m not a legend player but the imps were almost never a problem for me.


Believe me, noone would play a anti Sageras tech, not even if it was 0 mana.
Nothing is worse then adding a tech for a single encounter.

Oh and btw Sageras is by far not as problematic as ppl claim.
I even lost games in which I played him at turn 5, roughly 10 turns later.
That means even 10 turns of free double taunts, didnt help to win.

There are matchups you cant win, some decks struggle to win once Sageras hits the board, just a very few dont stand a chance.
In return control lock is super vulnerable against plenty popular decks.

Just play it and tell me how good your portal is, when Sif hits the ground, or your Odyn opponent actually knows what to do, or Bio says hello…

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i still think portals should be a location and counterable by demolition renovator


Portals are fine. Like the other ones, Lakkari and Neeru.

But I hate Imps. Why Imps every time?

dont know in most games i played whenever i get swarmed by little creatures they usually slimes goblins or imps

i cant think on another" little demon " type of creature

The counter has existed since the dawn of time…kill the warlock before the portal, it’s that simple

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I’ve been saying the same exact thing. Should be considered a location.

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Or at the very least, make a specific “portal counter” card.

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it’s basicaly game over and honestly, what are the chances to counter it? and to suggest “there are many ways to counter it”…no there isn’t. There’s a couple ways that a couple classes can counter it, other than that it’s RNG and the numbers would suggest that the RNG numbers are going to be low when you consider the amount of cards in a hand and the cards and option thats warlocks have to get that card on the board. It’s a broken card that’s simply part of a broken xpac.


I think Symphony of Sins is a bigger problem, too easy to burn away 6 cards of the enemy… it should remove also the Warlock’s top 6 cards as well… they would think about it twice before use… Repeating myself, but Altar of Fire rings a bell?

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symphony of sins + symphony of envy costs 8 mana and two cards. altar of fire costs 1 mana and one card. maybe envy is okay being better than altar?

Unfortunately, mana cost doesn’t matter nowdays because mana cheat is working well… but the mechanic of the card… If it manages to destroy 2-3 key important cards… it is already win… and that is not fair at all I think.


I agree that portals should count as location. Or perhaps as a 3 turn board enchantment. Or tie it to the titan being on the original person’s board? (stealing it would dissolve the portal, killing it, removing from game, transforming it, etc)

Or the nuclear option:

How about we just make it to where if your deck contains more than 1 legendary it cant be used on ranked modes? solves most people’s issues brought up on this thread right there.