Pogo rogue too OP?

I honestly think Pogo Rogue is Tier 3 atm. The overall statistics are skewed too heavily because the buffs only came out on Monday, so people are still feeling out the best build for the deck. What scares me about Pogo Rogue is that we’re getting a glimpse of a deck with Tier 1 potential as it becomes more optimized. In a couple weeks, we’ll have a better idea if Pogo Rogue is a meme or a dream (or the next OP Rogue nightmare).

Wrong - its yet ANOTHER severly stupid and broken deck. Rogue has tons of removal, vanish and other ways to get rid of your board while they bounce the BS bunnies back into hand. Its just like Jade Druid. Again. Oh my god… cant they STOP making decks like this? Get rid of Vanish and get rid of their removal cards so they cant just remove everything. So effing sick of this crap…


u can silence a couple of them at least

I played it to rank 3 for 4 months following the release of boomsday.

You would be surprised the decks you can create when you have a brain and not copy/paste.


the card is just broken, devs will never learn form their mistakes

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Kudos, that’s quite the accomplishment. It’s not easy to meme at those ranks.

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Pogos are no meme my friend. I guarantee it.:face_with_monocle:

They are or you’d see players previously invest into it.

I took Hakkar Priest to similar levels but it was still a meme deck. Meme doesn’t necessarily mean bad… I view the terms to mean more like gimmicky… but myabe I’m understanding it wrong


Gimmicky is a good word for it. They tend to be one of: meta-reliant, inconsistent, or strictly inferior. They can work, but getting them to takes a special effort.


The reason pogo got so strong is because it was being held back by other decks. Went from tier 3 to 1.

Pogo Rogue is by no means a tier 1 deck. It doesn’t sport nearly enough defensive tools to stave off aggressive decks (of which there are many) and of all the ones I’ve run into while running Overload Shaman and seeing them get well into the mid/upper 20’s during their final turns, I’ve not lost to a single one with that deck.

I’m not saying the deck is pure crap, but it doesn’t have the capacity to dictate the meta at all. The meta will tell it whether it’s viable or not.


The best memes are bad! Scientifically proven by me and the decks I enjoy playing the most…

That doesnt work, does it?!?

It’s definitely extremely powerful against any slow deck. There aren’t enough silences to stop a swarm of pogo hoppers.

I’ve also seen some bad lists that include the shark.

IMO the decks with scheme and the legendary spell and minion that puts shuffled cards in your hand is the strongest by far. Once those decks get refined more and people are playing those then I think it will be a strong T2 deck.

I beat Rouge in wild with a modified wild bomb warrior. He had 1 Pogo but mostly stole cards from me and shuffled his hand into his deck. I had 2 good legendary cards that I added to my deck that helped to give me enough damage to f him up.

Tell BLIZZARD to nerf this deck. Is so OP I cannot win a single match Pleasee!!!

I’ve played the deck a lot - even before the patch - and it’s really not very good. It is far too slow for this meta, and its ability to consistently generate board is poor. It’s a deck that relies on the incompetence of your opponent, or a very lucky set of circumstances to give it a chance to build up.

That’s not really fair. It decimates nearly any control deck. If you’re playing control, you aren’t losing because of your incompetence, you’re losing because you only have so many ways to remove 10+ minions that have 15/15 stats and higher.

There isn’t enough removal to deal with all of them if you’re control.


That’s not really fair. It gets decimated by nearly any fast deck. If you’re playing pogo hopper rogue, you aren’t losing because of your incompetence, you’re losing because you only have so many ways to remove 10+ minions or a wide board of sticky deathrattle mechs or bloodlusted murlocs before they beat your face in.

There isn’t enough removal to deal with all of them if you’re pogo rogue.


So much this. I saw Toast playing a Hopper deck, and OF COURSE he lost 0 games and I was like, hey! I can do that!

I went from rank 16 to 18

It’s one of those decks that when it works, it REALLY WORKS and you can’t do anything about 6 minions with 15/15 min stats.

Most of the time it fails hard to aggro.

(side note: A LOT of decks I use are losing by turn 5 or 6, it’s really annoying)

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It’s true that Pogo is very punishing to late game decks like Control Warrior. It would also probably butcher Heal Druid (if anyone ever played it), Control Shaman, or other similar decks that allow the opponent to do whatever they want for 10+ turns with very little interference … and which do not have any sort of high-pressure combo they are ticking towards.

But any deck that applies real early or even mid-game pressure … OR which has a power combo that will wombo the game … will gut Pogo Rogues like a hog. Even Bomb Warrior is too fast for Pogo Rogues. The list of decks that slap around Pogo Rogue like a chew toy is huge…

Token Druid, Bomb Hunter, Mid-Hunter, Secret Hunter, Conjure Mage, Miracle Mage, Mech Pally, Miracle Priest, Murloc Shaman, Burn Shaman, Zoolock, Bomb Warrior… The list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on…

Pogo Rogue is a Tier 3-4 meme deck. Until Pogo Rogue figures out a way to survive early and mid-game pressure it will never be anything beyond a meme deck. Nothing I’ve seen so far indicates that it’s managed to solve that issue. Lackeys aren’t cutting it.

The deck needs a ton of draw to make the whole Pogo thing work, and putting in that draw means the deck doesn’t have the cards to contest the early & mid game. But when you put in the cards to contest the early/mid board, you don’t have enough draw to make Pogos anything but a VERY distant threat.

Put in the draw … and you don’t have enough control. Put in the control … and you don’t have enough draw. The deck has too many ‘parts’ that need to come together and not enough deck to do it with or enough speed to pull it off.