Plushie Kit skin is probably the cutest skin ive seen

I said earlier king plush is king of cutest minion of all time but plushie kit is very adorable probably one my faveroute mage skin now of all time :slight_smile: its one of those skins that just makes you happy and smile when you see it :3

Even the new rewards track hero skin are good like Rogue has two really cool new skins i also i feel like skins are really getting good especially the legendary skins .

I can agree it looks cute but the emotes on a majority of the toys are kinda… well I don’t wanna say weak but they seem pretty rudimentary. I can’t really describe it- The voices are good the lines just aren’t. The new Aranna sounds nice but her emotes are that of a bored teenager.

I like the emotes but its ok i think its because Kit is suppose to be a younger portrait maybe that she has those lines.

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I’m not so sure about Plushie Kit, but Zail Starfallen is pretty cool.

Nothing wrong with having your faveroute skins for example i like mage legendary skin and hunter but not so much priest and druid we all like different stuf and thats ok :slight_smile:

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I totally agree! They knocked it out of the park!

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What a dubious little creature you are. The beast is demonic in nature…

I am going to disagree this is a great skin think of it this way you might not like it but others do we all have different tastes and thats ok i mean there is maybe a skin you like that somone else doesnt and thats ok too :slight_smile: