PLS remove possibility for infinity mage Q with free Turn?

Simple free 1 turn per game!!!
it’s annoying when you can’t react to what your opponent is playing…
Free turn and recast recast recast recast 0 chance react, most stupidity ever


I mean, there’s a lot of “most stupidity ever” out there in Hearthstone. I hate time warp as much as anyone but still, it’s relatively balanced compared with the rest of the clown fiesta. One thing you can do to save yourself some grief is to just concede if you encounter it, and move on.

It is not freaking balanced when they can take turn after turn for the rest of the game.

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It is the most assine mechanic in wild and they haven’t done jack **** to fix it.

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they nerfed parrot didnt you notice the deck isnt half as good as before it was nerfed?

It is when the the time it takes to achieve is long enough. The problem is not the card. It’s all the coins and spells and stuff you can get from out of thin air and basically for free now


So those cards create the problem with that card. Not rocket science. Easier to just make it a one time deal and that’s it. Problem solved.