Pls HS design team add these Warrior skins

I asked a while ago for a female Warrior skin, not sure i had anything to do with it but we got Annhydle!, and she looks awesome, plus now Annhydle Deathcaller, both set as my fav of course. Can we(Warriors) have Ingvar resurrected from the dead skin, because after all it was Annhylde brought him back from the dead so the animation could start of with Annhylde and then she says “rise from your grave” in classic Altered beast style, the portrait spins around and it’s Ingva, dark mists around him, ready to get revenge.

She also resurrected Slyvanas, so that would be cool too to have a resurrected Syl skin, maybe the hero skin could pick either Sly or Ingvar at random to “resurrect” at the start of the game. More Annhylde overall please, plus she has sisters?, could have a family portrait! :slight_smile:

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The first Annhylde does look amazing, but too blue. It keeps our opponents alert and energized (and ourselves at night)

Maybe a golden one would be good

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