Please sell more Alternate Hero Skins


I am a relative newcomer to Hearthstone, and there are Alternate Hero Skins that I badly want but have no way of getting until someday they get offered in the Shop.

There are soooooooo many Alternate Hero Skins, but only three to four get offered at a time, and oftentimes, few to none new ones get offered the week after. It wouldn’t hurt to offer some more Alternate Hero Skins per week, and alternate them totally from week to week.

Please, Blizzard, put more skins in the shop per week. There is no drawback, as you will get more money, and it’s in no way bad for the players: if they don’t want to buy a skin, they don’t have to buy it, but if they DO want to buy a skin, they’ll have more options.

Thank you for reading my suggestion.


stop trying to give them MORE money for this !@#$show of a game, dude. Spend money on something that actually matters.

Some hero skins you can get in the collection, without having to wait to have them appear in the shop. Such as Dame Hazelbark for Druid and others. You can click on the portrait in the collection, it there is a gold price under the portrait and if you have the gold for it you can get it there.


I have a few myself. It is nice to trade things up once in a while and I wish they allowed us to create our own card backs

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having fun and enjoying yourself matters
ill never understand people who dont want others to spend money on having fun


Well, people tend to have specific favorites. For example, I want to get Electro Swing Sally for Priest, which I hope gets offered someday, but no dice so far. For Paladin, Deputy Liadrin is my favorite, and I was able to nab it, but there’s a couple other Liadrin skins for Paladin I also like – also beyond my reach unless they get offered someday.

I totally understand the principles of marketing, which are designed to make you want something and then enthusiastically nab it when it’s offered, but given the total number of skins, I don’t think they’d hurt their marketing strategy by offering a FEW more per week. They seem to offer quite a few for Battlegrounds, but correct me if I am wrong, but Standard is more liked by most players, so it would make sense to make and offer more for Standard rather than Battlegrounds.

I think some people are dissatisfied with certain aspects of the game and want to punish Blizzard by giving Blizzard as little money as possible. Which is a popular sentiment in online games, which I never understood because if Bliz got no revenue, they’d either shut Hearthstone down entirely or put it into a coma like they did with Diablo 3 and Starcraft II.

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I’ll never understand that people want who don’t want others to enjoy themselves without giving the scummy mega corp money, like the devs said we could.

And here is the world’s smallest violin playing “I cry only for you” for the multibillion dollar company and the billions they raked in last year.

The fact is they have stolen and scammed so much from the playerbase, they could give away EVERYTHING in this game for this year and still be ahead.

Unfortunately, the devs promised ages ago that they would make old hero skins in the shop available for gold…and they haven’t been good on keeping that promise.

Look at this last Christmas: they could have made a bunch of the old skins available for gold again, and they didn’t because they were too busy putting the old titans signatures they forgot about in the event because they were too busy scamming people with twist.

i dont care how you spend your money just dont go around trying to control how others do


Yeah, you said it better than I would have, if i did.

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Let’s take “things not posted for $5000, Alex.” I’ll probably need to make this a bingo card slot at this rate. And of course, pro company poster distracts from the topic: making hero skins available, especially for gold.

But distracting from broken promises, failings, and misdeeds are what some live for around here.

Even when it crosses the line into blatant criminal misconduct, like the workplace harassment situation and everything related to it.

Interesting how this deflects from the real issue: the devs promised to make old hero skins available for gold, and they haven’t really kept up on that end as much as they said they would.