Please nerf reno

He should wipe out the ENTIRE BOARD… Not just the enemy board.


Pretty tremendous power creep on this card for sure. But, hey, they gotta sell those packs, right?

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I think he shouldn’t remove locations. Wiping all minions and limiting the board to 1 for a turn is enough.

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same for dormant minions in my opinion


Stop crying!! It’s the best card in the game and leave it at that!!

you are talking about the mage only one with a random hero power the upgrade came with a HL restriciton

the real buff would be to make reno’s goofy as$ not change my portrait when I play him.

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Says the kid who made a post crying about paladins :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I cried more about the mage class, which is rubbish and poorly implemented in Hearthstone, than I did in Paladin. I collect paladin, but I like the concept of mage, but mage can’t play the ranked game the way it is!! Giving up playing mage is rubbish in the rankings in general!!

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