Please Monetize Hearthstone Better

You just craft them with your excess recourses.

The other regions don’t actually get that many cards anyway, the bulk of the new expansion cards come with the new region, and you can get all those by leveling up the new region.

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This isn’t an LoR thread, promote it on Reddit, please, your ads would be better there.

I’m responding to another person.

OK, this guy called Swampy and XtheMythic disrupt my threads daily or even hourly, they are insane.

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You disrupt your own threads more then anyone else lol.

Atleast he is having fun flagging your posts xD

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If he didn’t reply it would be peace, I wouldn’t want people look through such negativity.

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And all of it has gone into creating the Diablo Immortal mobile game :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Swampy and XtheMythic are just 2 troll wannabe but failing so hard. Same as BlueBarymore poor guy man…


Yeah i invested in 2.5k $ gaming computer so i can play on my phone ^^

Yeah more people are helping the likes for every single person who mentions the word “CoC”, which is auto identified as “Good rule following”. :expressionless:

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being called a troll by a racist, oh my what will I ever do.

Well we all can see your trolling. Can some1 quote 1 racist thing i said ? xD

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You admitted it tho, be careful of your posts, you said you are racist go edit the comment now :expressionless:

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saying something and being something is completly different things.
I can say im the American president.
I just want him to quote 1 racist thing i said so he can prove his claims :slight_smile:

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Same idea, when I accidentally said I used bad words I am also attacked by Swampy, we are on the same boat friend :slight_smile:

Maybe they think you don’t like people who aren’t bots? Or heal?

Or are HealBots?

No, insanity is repeating the same action and expecting a different result - See: the threads YOU create!

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You understand that this is only applicable to 2020 and 2021?

It’s not like there’s dozens of Legends regions to keep throwing at the game for the next 10 years.

LOR is going to stabilize at a set number of regions and do expansions providing cards to all regions.

I am comparing the 2022 LOR and Hearthstone economies (both at 10 groups, and assuming LOR does it’s first rotation in that year) because it’s juvenile to compare a newly released CCG card pool to an established one with rotations.

Marcoscongas is it you? Why are you replying to this derailed discussion, clearly has no relationship to LoR…