Please Monetize Hearthstone Better

I am serious, I am not pissed off but really, the declining player base is horrible. Many Hearthstone themed YouTubers will lose many subscribers and be forced to make LoR content. This system needs to adapt, overcome. I am sure if HS is as “nice” as LoR almost half LoR will play Hearthstone instead because of the innovative ways of playing style and graphics. Blizzard should really study the way of its competitor. Many YouTuber call Hearthstone a “life” because they spent a long time creating content for it and dedicate their time to their favorite warcraft game.
There are many stuff people suggested:
-Buff the basic and classic set, I can win 5 games in a roll with the most basic deck in LoR. But I cannot win 3 games in a roll even with a meta deck in HS.
-Battle Pass, just encourage even the most causal people to play daily and increase popularity, even F2P players can squeeze some basic stuff off of this.
-Decrease the Legendary timer down to 25. And for provide Legendary cards for the chest for Diamond 10 and higher. This way players know better about what they can have.
-Let players buy dust, since it is very flexible and can be earned in different ways, letting players buy some to fill their gaps can even be better than wildcards in LoR since players can craft whatever they want and can save for the future.
-Nerf / change votes, many players want to suggest nerfs. I believe any player on the legend rank can vote once every expansion for a wanted nerf, and if many good players want a nerf, it can really be a problem.
-Battlegrounds is a great place to monetize stuff in many different ways, it can really improve.
Please, for the sake of Hearthstone and many hard working YouTubers, improve monetization and make Hearthstone great again!

[This thread was locked by a Forum Moderator: Please review the Code of Conduct we have available as a guide for forum use to prevent any future action. The was post locked because we received reports for trolling. Engaging in a flame war is considered to be trolling.]

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give us cards and charge for cosmetics, instead they make us buy cards and give us cosmetics.


So what happens in LOR when a new expansion drops and you want to open cards ONLY from that new expansion?

You can’t!

You are giving LOR too much credit, and not enough to Hearthstone.

You also have to remember that today’s Hearthstone NPE isn’t what it was years ago, and that the rewards and pack opening protection has significantly improved in the last 2 years (and this forum is PTSD central for the grinders of the past).

Just has an idea, LoR has many weaknesses too.
I actually have an idea, Quest Upgrades, since Blizzard is no longer giving us much for the Fire Festival, why not let us invest in Quest Upgrades ourselves, maybe 1500 Gold or $19.99 a month and each Quest reward additionally contain one of:
-50 Dust
-50 Gold
-2 random commons
-1 random rare
-one Arena entry, replacing the reward of the entire Quest
This would roughly equal to around 500 Gold profit with around 10 cards and 200 Dust, why not let players make wise decisions and actually invest in stuff. This would be a really cool thing.

LOL in BlizzLand $20 is worth 2800 gold. Good luck with that.

Just add 50% of the gold reward as dust to all quests imo.

50g & 25 dust
60g & 30 dust

Doesnt even need to apply to the 80g, 100g & pack quests, they are rare enough anyway, but it would be nice.

Hell, just 25% dusting ratio across the board would be a significant improvement!

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Are you saying LoR is innovative or Hearthstone… regardless neither are because they’ve both taken aspects from MTG.

as soon as i saw the trolly title i knew who started this thread.


How is this trolling, even the player who calls me trolling everyday was making constructive comment but YOU, who often promote negativity on an innocent thread.

Remember about a year ago when criticizing the HS economy got you laughed at?

Now all those posters are gone and people are finally ready to solve the problem now that the population has plummeted.

It’s too little too late.


if the game was good and had cosmetics for sell blizzard could literally make millions.

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they made more than 1.5 billion on this game. instead of whining now about how to keep players they should have been putting that money into improving the game.
this is what a 1.5 billion dollar game looks like in blizz hands.
dont hand them a penny. ever.

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You are promoting negativity. Just be helpful, instead of “Blizzard is crap don’t give them a cent” say “I would not recommend spending money on this game, it needs to improve”.
@BlueBarymore yes but players with little time would not play. Should implement stuff like Quest Upgrade like I suggested tho.

Nah, that would be you tbh. There is no way this thread is going to foster constructive discussion, and YOU created it.

This thread isn’t meant to be another “Blizzard robbed me I quit now”. If Hearthstone has no hope, why would I even be on here?
And I am suggesting features for HS, not to drag players off of it.

No, ts another flamebait thread you have created. If you cant see how nothing constructive comes from threads like this then you are blind… More likely you are just a troll, and not even a good one tbh. We are all onto you, we know your antics.

You are abusing this thread, get out if you disagree! I wouldn’t want to flamebait because only if everyone here hates HS, it wouldn’t happen.

I disagree, but im not goin anywhere. You created the thread for discussion, now I am discussing the flamebait you consistently post.

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Irrelevant. Talk about it on my other threads. Intentionally ruining a thread to “punish” someone for previous flamebaiting is violating CoC!

Posting flambait, like this, is trolling. Also a violation of the CoC. If you cant see how no healthy discourse will come from this thread then youre blind, or trolling… AS USUAL!

Then how are constructive comments in off topic LoR threads? You have no point. If people really hate HS they can ignore here because they don’t care if it improves or not, unless they hate Blizzard to an extent they want to destroy the forums, which is exactly what I am trying to avoid.