What’s the big deal? If you want to look at Jaina cleavage you can google that you know. Maybe some parents don’t want their kids playing a game where Jaina is showing that kinda thing. It’s not like they made Jaina flat, lol. It’s just a little extra clothes.
No, this is 100% bowing to a country’s draconian censorship practices.
What’s next? Removing “offensive” female card images because they portray women in a manner that a man finds “offensive?”
For all the big talk of actiblizz being a progressive company, they took a huge step backward on this.
One has to wonder if they make their female employees wear full body coverings lest they offend some male person’s sensibilities. Both at home and when on business trips.
People and the country in question knew the rating on the game when they allowed it in. But instead of sticking up for women and for the IP, they caved to a repressive regime with a horrible track record of human rights violations.
Great message you are sending to women, and to people worldwide team 5! /sarcasm
I think it just looks better. Its not even censorship, Its art direction change. And it can be made for many reasons.
Its funny when something like this happens and its not to something sexy, people do not care much at all.
It’s 100% censorship. From the same place that banned Winnie the Pooh of all characters. This is the new direction that team 5 and actiblizz is supporting, a country with one of the worst human rights violations out there.
Again, great message team 5 and actiblizz sends to women!
“You look better covered up, lest you offend some sensitive person…or a country that has one of the worst human rights records out there.”
But its not Censorship, if they want to change the art. Its there art to change, And what this does is take away there opinions on why it should be changed. A form of censorship in itself.
People can disagree with it, They can lay out reasons why its not as good as before. But giving it a simple label is not only dishonest, but it also serves to undermine real censorship in the world.
She still has a fair bit showing, but it looks like she has something under the armor now. Rather than the very awkward chest piece.
Which probably comes from design limitations in Warcraft games.
If its for china, there would probably be a lot of other things that need to be changed as well. Is that happening, probably not.
And i would prefer them to wear clothing that makes sense for the character in the situations they are depicted in. Rather than to appeal to some sense of fan service.
So, when they change something to comply with a country’s censorship board’s policies…it’s not censorship.
That’s right, it’s doubleplusgood!
Occam’s Razor. Also, when the country in question literally bans a character as inoffensive as Winnie the Pooh…of course the next step is banning something as “offensive” as a women’s cleavage. And naturally, team 5 and actiblizz oblige. Rather than taking a stand against a country with one of the worst human rights violations records.
Funny, she did just that for all of hearthstone’s existence…until they ministry of truth in a certain country decided in all their misogynist wisdom that a women’s cleavage was such a threat to them. And of course, they tell team 5 and actiblizz to “jump” and the response was “how high?”
Rather than standing up for women and against censorship.
…because appealing to misogyny and censorship to a country with one of the worst human rights track records is a much better course to take, right?
Was it entirely for china ? Or did they decide to change it for other reasons as well. Are they changing all the other things in the game for china that would need to be now ?
In the same sense, i am sick of people Using censorship as a way to shut down discussion.
Her outfit was fairly silly for most of hearthstone, its fine, but it is silly.
Having a huge open space on the chest is not good. not just for battle. But for movement around in what would be a far less modern world.
I would agree with it being mostly unneeded, Her design was fine.
Her new one in WoW is so much better. And even still has the show a bit of skin there.
But frame it better, and actually let it be a discussion rather than shutting that discussion down at the start.
As you said Occam’s razor, it may just line up with following a particular country’s morals.
These things happen in game design all the time, but people make a big deal out of one specific type.
So you still ignore what i say. Here is the thing, In the end. Its Art direction that may have been influenced by the want to sell in a specific country.
This is fine, until its something sexy that gets changed. And then the Its Censorship crowd is up in arms. Not over real censorship, just a company looking to do whats needed to make money.
Some of the same people who then turn around and use just that to justify the same thing.
Different country’s, do see things a different way.
Its the same with other laws in different country’s that effect things like this all the time.
Its good to criticize a change, its also very good to make sure your points stand and show you understand more than the most basic of what you are arguing for.
Considering how you talk about china, it seems you have a very political stance of your own.
Which i may even agree with. But i disagree that this particular change is bad. Its art direction change for what ever reason. And i think in the end it does make it better.
I would not want them to change it back, But i would be fine with a choice. If people want it, they can want it as well.
I’m not ignoring anything. I’m calling a spade a spade. You want to call it “art direction” which is fine. We both obviously live in a country where we have the freedom to do so, and do not live under the whims of a censorship board than can ban Winnie the Pooh on a whim, or Jaina’s cleavage because they find women’s breasts offensive.
…and team 5 and actiblizz obviously agreed with them here, rather than taking a stand against such a misogynist and pro censorship approach. Which means, that for all their progressive stances personally and collectively as a company…it’s nothing but wind. Because they obviously don’t care about women’s rights, or any real issues…because the minute one of the worst offenders in the world on human’s rights issues tells them a woman’s breasts are “too exposed” they comply without so much as a word of protest.
“Something sexy.” As I said before, their own models reveal more on the average photo shoot than Jaina does has in her entire hearthstone career up to this point. But, they decided to flex their misogynist muscle, and women have to cover up.
This is “real censorship.” In case anyone is confused:
Definition of censorship
1a : the institution, system, or practice of censoring They oppose government censorship.
b : the actions or practices of censors especially : censorial control exercised repressively censorship that has … permitted a very limited dispersion of facts — Philip Wylie
There’s a couple others, but clearly the first definition is the one that we’re talking about here.
Jaina is simply one of the latest in a long line of subject matter to fall to the repressive and draconian policies of that regime’s censorship practices. Anyone who does not know should look up what the “great firewall” is some time. And just how many tech companies kowtow to it and the regime there just so they can make money (along with other not so great practices just to save money on labor costs). This could have been a moment where team 5 and actiblizz took a stand and said “NO!” and made a statement not just for women, but against the dangerous trend of censorship that has taken hold in the last several years…instead, they chose money over their principles.
…which those who criticize this change do. Those who are supporting this change seem to be ones this warning should be directed towards.
Anyone who is aware of human right’s issues takes issue with what goes on not just there, but anywhere such abuses goes on. It’s not political, it’s a human rights issue. The fact that we can’t even talk about what happens there any more because of the economic clout they have, in spite of what a lot of people say about “evil corporations” speaks volumes.
You have yet to articulate why it is good.
Censorship, especially when it is done in the name of telling women that their bodies are something to be ashamed of and need to be hidden and covered up is neither “artful” nor a “reasoned” change. It is misogyny, and the kind of backwards thinking that actiblizz claims to be against…both in their terms of service, individually, and as a company.
If a user, or group of users had made the demands that were made by the country in question…they would have been suspended or worse. But you throw money around and suddenly you get to change the entire game. That shows how much the situation is wrong and needs to be changed back A.S.A.P.
That is fairly easy, the older art looks like some form of fitted armor. Putting something under it is a good idea.
As well as to much open chest, looks really stupid for Female armor.
Prefer none, but eh. It can be done well. Jaina was done ok, She has a neat design. But nothing breathtaking.
She is a frost mage, so warm and cold enduring clothes may in fact be preferable as well as sea fairing clothes.
There are lots of design thoughts for changing the armor.
Personly i would rather them change designs, to represent the future change in game. Rather than bother with such a small change.
Has it been said it was for china ? Is that a confirmed thing. Since i could find that more annoying.
Now here is the thing, I would care more if this was not a constant thing thrown around all the time.
Weather you like it or not, blizzard can change it for there own choices. And it can be for Art Direction.
Or it could be as part of a general change to appeal to a audience. But it really is not censorship under your own link.
But may come under a more general censorship usage.
In the end, i think it looks better. So I would want it to stay
I dont see the big deal about this, I belive jainas new crop top, under the mage armor looks great. I mean, gamewise it hasnt affected anything, they just cover some boobs.
I really dont belive this is some sort of CHINESE censorship campain, Lets remember the fact that blizzard is based in NA, the censorship blizz puts on china exist because the chinese gobverment demands them as well due to cultural issues, as a MAGE player myself, I dont see the problem with this, In fact I DIDNT EVEN NOTICED about it, but well We all live in free countries and we can speak up our mind, cheers for that mate