I get suspicious when people here like my comments. It´s a joke that you all care about this, right? Like #Jainagate #FreeJainasBoobs
Well Jaina and most of the blizz game heroes are actually blizzard property, Why would they let us know if they change her outfit a bit?
Most of the changelogs are usually for card and ingame mechanics changes, So as I´ve seen from previous comments, Its like a new art direction.
Its not like for example u ask permision to your family to put certain accesories on your dog, or the most common issue, To choose the wallpaper from your phone or pc, After all its yours.
I saw your other post, and its replies. Those minions think you’re serious.
I want the BfA Jaina skin, its beautifull, well covered for the china market, good in art perspective, we can be all in peace with that skin.
So…it’s a good idea because it’s a good idea. That’s circular reasoning. The armor is exactly the same, they just slid a cover in there to hide her “offensive” cleavage for the “offended” men on the glorious censorship board (the same ones that banned Winnie the Pooh).
Again, great message that team 5 and actiblizz are sending to women: “you must cover up and be ashamed of your bodies, lest you offend some poor man’s sensibilities!”
…and yet, Malfurion’s bare chest and *GASP * bare nipples (THE HORROR) offend no one. The blatant misogyny on the part of the censorship board and everyone involved in bowing down to this couldn’t be more obvious.
But of course, when money is involved…all those ideas they claim to support go right out the window.
Again, they can and do tell people what to do with their opinions when $ isn’t involved. Look at their posts when notable US Supreme Court decisions were handed down. These were official posts made on their official accounts.
Now, they do this and send a very misgyoisnt and pro censorship message because of a censorship board’s opinion on Jaina’s cleavage. The better option would have been to take a stand for Women’s Rights, Free Speech, and against one of the worst human’s right violators out there.
Instead, team 5 and actiblizz took the money and rolled over.
Perhaps it wouldn’t be “thrown around” so much if censorship wasn’t becoming such a huge issue. The fact that people are becoming desensitized to it only shows how rampant the problem is. The fact that major companies kowtow and collude with one of the worst human rights abusers just to make a buck and no one blinks shows how bad things are.
That people go “ha ha boobs!” shows they miss the point entirely.
It is not “my” anything. It is the literal dictionary definition of the word. And yes, it is censorship, because the original work has been altered (covered up in this case) because a literal censorship board was offended by Jaina’s breasts. If it wouldn’t get reported, I’d link the hilarious scene from “The Aviator” where DiCaprio (playing howard hughes) deals with a similar issue.
…but you finally admit it is censorship.
I’m sure the censorship board over there thinks the same thing.
Jaina! Jaina! Jaina! STRIKE
It’s all about chasing the money in China. Like Siege, Hearthstone is changing things. Except they changed it back so that they are not forcing players to play the game by Chinese standards. Will Hearthstone follow suit? I doubt it.
Which shows just how much all those principles about “empowering women” and the like really matter to them. It doesn’t matter how many upvotes they give to people who wear white for a SoTU speech…if they undercut those ideals in their business dealings with a country that has a horrible track record on human rights violations. Especially on an issue that is clear cut body shaming and censorship.
Exactly, and no one country should hold that kind of power. Especially one with that kind of horrific human rights record. But the sheer number who just go along for the sake of making money is truly startling.
Because some still have the artistic and moral integrity to stand up to their attempts to steamroll over everyone. If only more companies (and countries) would do the same. It’s only a matter of time before something worse occurs, or a more egregious example of censorship occurs.
Sooner or later, they are either going to have to put their money where their mouth is with regard to all the talk they (team 5 and actiblizz) have done over the years…or they will simply have to close their doors. Choosing to jump ship in the hopes that the repressive regime will make up for all the lost revenue from everywhere they are alienating with moves like these (especially when their revenue continues to fall) that only serve to push more customers away in the name of appeasing a smaller market. By making a overtly sexist and misogynistic move.
Well, Different culture can have different norms. As well as Different weather they have to deal with.
Personally, i would prefer the night elves to have heavy armor as well.
This is a very large issue, Women have been set in the sexy armor for men for a long time. You must cover up and ashamed of your bodies. That is BS, fed to men that want to have a message passed there Fan service. The message this mostly sends is, you have to show off to be Attractive.
If it had been handled better over the years, this would not be an Issue. A pendulum of culture. Swinging back from all the stuff we have had to deal with over the years.
I like the night elves, I like the armor they wear. They are a forest race, so wearing less clothes does make sense for them in a lot of there land.
Jaina can be in a sexy gown when dealing with the royalty, when she meets with diplomats.
But when out on the battlefield, putting her in better designed armor would be better easy enough to understand.
Less fan service, More thought. More effort put into the characters.
Its not even hard to have less Clothed fighters, the night elves where great for it if they had follow though further.
There culture, There location in the world, All can lend to this.
They themselves are large imposing people.
It can be done, Jaina Really does not have any real character for it. Bring it into context. Make it good, and more people will be on board.
bring back the boobs.
Except that isn’t what was going on with Jaina’s original image. I know it, you it, and team 5 and actiblizz knows it.
This wasn’t some “sexy time” image. This was her standard attire, that shows less cleavage than their models do on one of their usual photo shoots. This isn’t sexual in any way or form, as she looks like she is casting a spell, not getting ready for anything lewd.
But, because the censorship board took offense at a women’s cleavage…and because team 5 and actiblizz decided that body shaming women and censorship was more important then taking a stand against those who would oppress and marginalize women, this is what happens.
…and yet, the two male heroes are left shirtless for “fan service.” So much for the obvious and blatantly misogynist double standards of the censorship board that team 5 and actiblizz supports. But supporting body shaming and anti women messages are ok as long as the ones doing it have deep pockets. Keep in mind, if this request had come from the average forum goer, they would have been suspended.
Because such blatant misogyny and sexism is against their own terms of service and code of conduct.
“Better designed.” In a world with magic that shields people with invisible barriers. One that allows men to run around shirtless, but requires women to layer up like it’s the Dark Ages for some reason. I didn’t realize that magic functioned based on one’s chromosomes…or in this case, whether one offended a country’s censorship board.
More like:
Less censorship, more freedom, more time spent put into fixing real issues in the game and less time appeasing one of the worst human rights violators in the world right now!
No business wants to step on China’s toes. It’s irksome from a player standpoint, but that’s how the world works.
The ones from siege reversed course because they realized the dark path that being under their censorship board until the end of time would take them to. Not to mention the ultimate loss of profits from siding with one of the largest violators of human rights out there vs the rest of the global marketplace.
It’s surprising no one in that meeting went: "hmm, siding with such an obviously sexist, misogynist, and pro censorship change not only shows our support for one of the worst human rights violators in the world right now…it also hurts our image/brand at home and in the world at large. Maybe we should rethink this body shaming and anti woman move…
“Oh no, someone added some pixels I don’t like to their in-game texture! Call the interweb police!!!” - dude if you want pawn, it’s not hard to find on the internet…
Edited for Language by the Moderation Team.
Censorship has NO PLACE in video games of this nature, she is Jaina and has a defining chest which is pleasant to look at. They are KowTowing to SJWs and garbage again.
Again, the people going “ha ha boobs” are missing the point entirely.
The average model shoot in their country shows more cleavage and more provocative posing than Jaina does in the original image. This is all about a censorship board (the same one that banned Winnie the Pooh) trying to exert its influence over all of the world, and team 5 an actiblizz saying it’s ok to body shame women and promoting a pro misogynist message.
…that would have gotten anyone else suspended or worse if it had originated from the forums. But because of this country’s deep pockets, censorship, body shaming, misogyny and an anti women message is ok.
Exactly!!! I really hope to have old Jaina hero portrait Back with the update of year of dragoon, Blizzard have to hear us as old and new customers.
It’s because of China and ATVI didn’t even have the guts to say it. If they would have, nobody would probably care.
It’s the sneakiness of the change that really drives this discussion and just another sign where this once beloved company of ours is heading to.
reddit. The place where one person can make 100,000,000 accounts if they wanted to and make it appear something is popular or unpopular. Kind of like how the Classic Server crowd fooled blizzard into thinking lots of people want Classic WoW servers when it’s actually only a few hundred that does.
Guys you don’t own HS. Blizz can’t “censor” themselves…they are well within their rights to alter artwork if they so desire. Also, if this is really such a big issue for you you must live a blessed life lol. Chill. If you have to have cleavage well…90% of the internet is devoted to it. XD