Please fix battlegrounds connectivity

Game has progressed from just failing to connect for minutes to loading lobbies that cause the game to crash. I can’t stand when the “cancel” button goes grey and it hangs for like a minute. Faster to just force kill the app and start over.

This is your most popular game mode. Fix it.

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Same issue here, had so many issues just the past 24 hours, more so than the past 6 months combined.
Lobby loads up, I am disconnected already from the hero selection, I cant even concede, another lobby loads, and everyone has crashed, rebooting+reconnect and I get back, and only 3 ppl are left in the game, and countless countless disconnects, to the point I am expecting one every turn now.

edit: to add, this isnt a clientside connectivity issue, we have seen this issue in hs before.
my own connection is a wired one with low latency stable download and upload, hs is the only one in ALL of my games I ever have these issues with.

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This is not funny at all, I want to play BG but cant because game disconects from server. I start the game and then on turn 2 or 3 game disconected. Agent disconected too and even if restart the battlenet agent it steal cant connect to server. It show “Connecting …” status and nothing happeed and my internet connection is ok, I can reach any other resources on the internet, but not the Blizard server. I already reinstall the agent and Hearthstone. It does not help at all.

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I fixed the BG crashing issues by disabling my VPN. It would just randomly disconnect making it unplayable until I did that. I have no idea why the client is randomly hostile towards VPN’s but… hey, maybe this helps someone.

Not really a new thing that services dont like you connecting with something that hides your identity.

Also especially not a new thing considering they got 2 superpowers currently banned due to politics and trade deals, hence vpns from there… bonk

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