Please explain to me why warrior and druid are so tanky

They have too many tools.

When rogue gets like this they get nerfed.

This is why freeze mage was destroyed as a deck option right?

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Simple, because the game is not even remotely balanced anymore

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Tanky as in armor spam or tanky as in handbuffing? Cause so far Headless Handbuff for DK seems to be able to stand up to the second kind now

i guess facetanking needs to become a new word.

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Which classes would be underpowered, in your opinion?

I am not the right person to ask. I have a very different sense of design and competition than Team 5.

I always loved shadow fist. Many different factions that used different game mechanics and they always felt balanced.

Because developers think they must decide which calss should be the most OP… and this is wrong… they should let the communitiy decide the order of power… the game should be equialy balanced… but it is not…

Don’t take this the wrong way, I’m just genuinely trying to steer this convo into a more thought provoking, introspective destination.

But I do think it’s rather telling that most of us - definitely including myself here - are very quick to blame this, or complain about that, scream how X is broken and Y is OP; however, I don’t think many of us, save yourself, would be equally as quick to acknowledge we aren’t in charge, and don’t necessarily understand how to “balance” a game beyond our own personal biases on what WE, ourselves, would want.

So, kudos to you on that front.

Case in point.

Balance is a journey, not a destination. If you leave things up to “true democracy” you wind up with mob rule, tyranny of majority, and in the context of a product, complete production paralysis because of too many chefs being in the kitchen.

Far better, in the case of a video game, to have ONE ultimate authority regarding what happens. That way, you know EXACTLY who to blame, or praise, when things go wrong, or well, respectively.

What i don’t understand about this design team is how we are not allowed to have the potential for a high rolling van cleef turn 3 in a deck that has a very good chance of losing if they don’t pull that off.

However the current druid and warrior decks feel mostly invulnerable in most matchups leading to a blow out ending.

By comparison, a triple frost rune death knight deck feels like it’s armed with a toothpick against a train bearing down on it.

My guess is that the devs feel like “most people” want games to last longer than, or at least be decided later than, turn 3.

Maybe they’re right, maybe not, though I definitely feel like there are two ways I look at Standard: pre-Legend, and post-Legend.

After I’ve hit Legend, I’m much more prone to playing slower decks, combo decks, wacky things. Stuff I wouldn’t try my hand at playing on my up to Legend, because I’m most likely going to have a VERY crappy win rate. About the only times I’ll “netdeck” when at Legend, is if I’m trying to get some quests done.

On my way TO Legend though, I absolutely want to play not JUST a netdeck, as they have the highest win rates according to tons of empirical data, but also a netdeck that gives me fast games. I want my games-per-hour to be efficient.

So honestly? I don’t know if games should be decided that early. I guess it depends on where I’m at with my monthly journey.

Feelings often don’t correlate to hard numerical data. The best thing to do if you think “oh man, that is UNBEATABLE” is either A.) try it out yourself, or if you don’t want to spend the dust, B.) watch some UN-edited streams / let’s plays of people piloting said deck.

You’ll learn very quickly what wins against warriors and druids, when you PLAY as warriors and druids.

Was it ever?

Today I played a mage with holy heals. I’m not impressed with the idea of a Mage playing holy spells. At all.

I played this game from launch until whichever expansion had the alternate heroes (which I don’t think we can colloquially refer to as “DK-Druid” or etc., because we now have a separate DK class). Stopped for several years, just came back to it a few months ago.

My personal opinion based on seeing the game from launch till then, and then now, is that the game has never, not even once, been “balanced” in the sense most people are talking about. We’ve never NOT had crazy wombo-combos and ridiculous cheese. Remember turn 1 yeti druids? How about mountainLock? Pepperidge Farm remembers!

What has changed are two things: first, there are exponentially more wombo-combos in existence now, which is to be expected as new sets are released. Secondly, there’s TONS more RNG now than there was even back when I stopped playing, which is to be expected because as I’ve been saying, this game’s always been imbalanced compared to other CCG’s.

But honestly? I feel like that’s okay.

I’m not playing this game for money, and I’m not playing it to “reach the top.” I like to reach Legend every month if I can, but I’ll not lose sleep if I get hard stuck at dia-5. I can get tilted just like anyone else, but when I do, I turn the game off. Try again in a few hours, or maybe tomorrow.

This game has never been balanced. If you only play Druid, perhaps try Priest and see how that goes for you.

Priest is about on par with Druid as far as “BS” goes (I’ve played a lot as and against a lot of both so I know)