Please Developers, address Hearthstone constantly crashing

Hearthstone keeps crashing on my iPad for over a year now. I always make sure it’s updated, I even bought a new iPad with the big amount of storage thinking that was the problem but it still happens. Whenever I open my collection the game crashes, it will crash during ranked play, it crashes when playing battlegrounds, it crashes when upgrading my mercenaries, it crashes when building a mercenary team, it crashes when building a deck, it crashes when changing my hero portrait, it crashes when changing my card back, and it crashes when changing my coin skin.

The frequency of the crashes has increased to where my game crashes literally every ranked match. I can’t build a deck anymore bc as soon as I go to My Collection and start, Hearthstone crashes and no progress is saved. I tried to import decks and even that doesn’t work bc Hearthstone crashes as all the cards are being added so nothing is saved. Even in Battlegrounds the crashing is so bad I frequently lose turns of buying, selling, and buffing my cards bc Hearthstone crashes and by the time I’ve loaded back in the turn is or almost is over. Can’t even equip my 3D Animated Heroes, like the new Ragnaros, bc as soon as I click on him in My Collection Hearthstone crashes.

I opened a ticket because this has been going on for over a year. I did everything that the GM’s told me to do. They told me to “Uninstall the game, clear the AppStore cache, turn off iPad, let it sit, turn it back on, then redownload Hearthstone”, which I did. Sadly, this did not make a difference, it still crashes. The GMs then told to contact Apple support, which I did, and I spent 30 minutes on the phone with Apple in September 2023. At that time they connected to my iPad and scanned everything to make sure it was ok. Apple said everything is working perfectly and there was no problem with their software, so the problem and has to be with the app and therefore must addressed by y’all. I know I am not the only one with this problem because in the past year of posting about this problem in the Hearthstone Forums, countless people have commented on my posts saying they too have a Hearthstone crashing issue and it’s not specific to Apple products. This ridiculous crashing happens across all mobile device platforms no matter the brand.

I used to play Hearthstone for hours everyday. I used to love building decks, trying what my favorite streamers use, play Battlegrounds solo or with friends/family, or just chill and play Mercenaries. This constant crashing has ruined Hearthstone to the point where I can’t even enjoy it.

Please Developers, I’m begging you, please fix the Hearthstone crashing issue. There are so many of us with this problem. I’ve been with Blizzard for over a decade and always supported and enjoyed our time together. But if this problem continues then I will unfortunately have to stop. I really don’t want it to come to that point. Please fix Hearthstone crashing on iPads and other mobile platforms.

iPad 9th generation
iPad OS version 17.6.1
11.25 Gigs of free space

Stop spamming this same post every day. Get a better internet connection or something


It’s very unlikely it’s the software’s fault then. Find a computer repair person (not necessarily Apple) and tell them to clean it from excessive memory usage (out of memory crash) and clean its air vents (heat crash).

It’s also likely to be another bug but don’t count on it; “it increases over time” is a dead giveaway; it’s usually a device deteriorating itself over time.

This device is new. When this problem first surfaced I was on an iPad that was older so I figured that it was time to upgrade, so I bought this one brand new. I do nothing else with this device but Hearthstone, and over the past year of posting about this problem a lot of others have said that they too have this same problem. If I was able to be playing from a computer, I would be but unfortunately I can’t due to health issues. I have eliminated every other possibility like internet, an old device, not enough space, battery vs plugged in, absolutely everything.

I’m sorry about posting about this everyday, but that is literally what the GM’s have told me to do because apparently there’s no way for them to get in contact with a developer. I’m sorry if my posts are annoying, but as someone who has spent a lot of money on a game I expect it to function correctly and this is the only avenue I have at getting this issue resolved. Again, I apologize to be posting everyday, but I want to be able to build a deck and play without crashing 50 times a day.

Insisting the device is amazing and it’s Blizzard’s fault will not magically be right on its own and many people telling you what you think doesn’t make them right either (they just make them the same thinking type); tablets in general are VERY finicky devices for gaming (even high end laptops are so imagine tablets); Apple is mostly marketing and less substance.

Be very clear that the device is not overheating at all; see if it’s better off when the game starts from a very cold device and then it deteriorates; e.g. putting it on your lap or any surface that blocks it from accessing air is also bad.

See if many other apps are running in the background etc.

I really appreciate all of your suggestions and input! When this crashing thing started I was hoping that there was something wrong with the iPad so it’d be an easy fix. When I spent all that time on the phone with Apple and they checked everything I was shocked nothing was wrong. I do make sure that there is always proper ventilation and that nothing else is ever running in the background. The device never feels hot, it’s never gave me any kind of error message concerning anything. The iPad has never left the house, when it’s used it’s in bed and never hit the floor from a drop or anything like that. I have also tried plugged in vs not plugged in, that has made no difference either. As far as time of day it doesn’t matter, the crashes are always horrible. I’ve deleted other games I used to have on it, like Clash of Clans, but that made no difference. The only thing I haven’t tried is putting an ice pack under it while playing, but it’s never once felt warm.

I have tried using a laptop, but I have horrible back pain that requires me to be laying on my side in bed for relief and using the laptop won’t work. I bought the iPad bc I could lay it next to me in bed, propped up enough for air flow, and I can see the screen and use the touchscreen infinitely easier than when I tried the laptop. Plus I don’t get the wicked kinks in my neck like I did when I tried to use the laptop. Is there anything that would run Hearthstone that can lay flat like an iPad? I have been a PC gamer for over a decade, and always have seen the standard laptop setup. My stupid back issues started a couple years back and it really sucks not being able to game on WoW like I used to, it’s just been so frustrating that the one game I truly enjoy and still play has the crashing issues bc of a tablet.

And you believed them. You didn’t confirm nothing was wrong. You confirmed Apple said nothing was wrong.

since I changed my device from galaxy fold 2 to fold 6 HD is crashing on my device from time to time, too.

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Yes, which implies not all tablets have the problem because the first device did not have the problem, in contrast with OP’s blanket statements.

Windows-based devices often require giving programs “admin privileges” before they can run properly. I know little and less about MacOS-based stuff, just wondering if something similar might be happening there.

Other than that, the only thing I can tell you is to maybe call someone IRL. Get a friend to bring your device to a certified tech shop. Obviously posting on the forums here has done jack all for you, and blizz support has failed, and apple support has failed. So, either physically throw it at someone in person and go “FIX IT” or literally just give up, would be my only remaining pieces of advice.

I really appreciate all of the feedback and suggestions y’all, really does mean a lot. I know there’s a tech shop down the street so I’ll have to go talk to them. If they say everything checks out, any recommendations on what I can do? I know there’s the obvious stop playing, and I have tried to just ignore it but the frequency drives me bonkers, as well as it costing games occasionally. The tablet setup is perfect for how I have to play. I wish there was a way to just have a regular computer but the screen was a tablet

I mean, I don’t know how your living situation is set up, but you could theoretically look into stream-casting a desktop rig to your device. All your ipad would have to do at that point is be connected to decent-speed internet / wifi. It wouldn’t be running the game natively so there should theoretically be far fewer crashes (though you’d possibly run into latency issues). You’d also have to find a way to get the touch screen to control the desktop. Not sure how that could happen (maybe tech guy will have an idea).

Alternatively, you can allegedly play this game on mobile phones. I’ve never tried it, and it sounds less than ideal to me personally (phones are so tiny for something like this!) but it’s an option.

If none of that works, I’m once again out of ideas.

I appreciate all the info! I’m going to have to look up what you said bc I’m horrible when it comes to technology.

Hearthstone does run on the iPhone, but what I don’t understand is that when I do play on the iPhone, there are 0 crashes or issues. I do the exact same thing, play the exact same way and in the same place when I’m on my phone. I would just play on that and ignore the iPad issue but the iPhone screen is so tiny and gives me headaches trying to focus on it.

I have my iPhone and iPad in front of me as I’m typing this so I don’t mess anything up. My iPhone is a 13, my iPad is a 9th generation. Both the iPhone and iPad are using iOS version 17.6.1
Just makes absolutely no sense why one would crash and the other one doesn’t. My son plays Hearthstone just like I do and has the exact same iPad as I do and his crashes the exact same. We bought both the iPads around the same time, however we live in different cities so it can’t be the internet. As far as the hardware requirements in the App Store it says that everything is compatible.

Does that shed light on anything? It can’t just be an Apple product thing bc my phone runs it flawlessly. That’s the only way I’ve been able to make/import decks for the past year. I just do it quickly so no headache. Such a weird problem.

See if the processor between the phone and the ipad are different. The phone may have a faster CPU or it may have more RAM.

Though some times those issues are solved by removing stuff running in the background while gaming.

I did digging to find all the stats-

The iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max use an Apple-designed A15 Bionic processorfeaturing a 16-core neural engine, 6-core CPU (with 2 performance cores and 4 efficiency cores), and 5-core GPU. The A15 Bionic also contains a new image processor. The iPad Pro and Pro Max has 6 GB of RAM

The iPad 9th generation iPad has an Apple A13 Bionic chip: The A13 Bionic has a hexa-core CPU with two 2.65 GHz Lightning cores and four 1.8 GHz Thunder cores. The iPad 9th generation has 3 GB of RAM

Of course Apple says that the 9th generation is well equipped for mobile games when I was reading up on everything. Can 2 generations of chips make that big of a difference? I always make sure there aren’t any other apps running while I’m playing Hearthstone as far as the RAM goes. Do you think that as Hearthstone continues to grow it just got too big for the older tech to handle?

It’s not very light. I tried to play it on a mundane Android tablet of ~$150 and while it was stable: it had choppy graphics.

Make sure you have gone in settings and turned off the high resolution package and lowered resolution/frames rate etc.