Please buff Paladin

I don’t know how else to word this. Most classes in the current meta don’t feel true to how they’re played traditionally, for a lack of better terms. But, the one with the most disconnect is Paladin.

Paladin’s best deck is mech, in the standard meta, but paladin is primarily a hand-buff class where you alter stats and all that. “Justice”, idk how else to describe it. When I think of Pal, I think: justice, retribution, equality, buffing your minions. What’s the point of their hero power with mechs? I can’t fuse my mech with my recruit. The class got so little support and upgrading in this latest expansion. We got what, a new mech? One? A common?

I miss secret Paladin, commander Rhyssa, pure Paladin, etc… oof just please give this class some flavor love, Blizzard.


Problem with paladin is they have no idea what to do with it.

Is it murlocs, mechs, dragons, reborn, no neutrals? They need to settle on a mechanic.


True. Now that you mention it, I feel that it just seems like they give paladin whatever comes to their mind for that expansion. Or do they do this for most classes?

I thought of Wind fury, ok let’s focus and do it this expansion
I thought of Reborn, ok let’s focus and do it this expansion
I thought of No neutral, ok let’s focus and do it this expansion
Ad infinitum

And so there is no synergy if all ideas are random and not linked.

Agreed I got excited when I saw they was getting another reborn minion… but alas nothing to really work with their quest and make it competitive

Hardly any new deathrattles, no new secrets… sad times

Another big issue with paladins are the spells suck, I stopped running spell discovery in my dragon deck because odds are you’re gonna get a secret or some other 1 mana spell that does nothing.

Also why do I have to sacrifice my board just to be able to clear your side? Concentrate costs too much for 2 damage.

because is a minion focused class(like druid and hunter ) so you deal with opponent board with your own minions

They fuked up when they decided to make evil and good classes. Give paladin galakrond and he is gucci.

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Why didn’t they give Paladin any kind of value class minions if they are supposed to be a minion based board.

Why didn’t they give them any kind of removal to help protect their board.

Why don’t they even print taunt minions for this minion based class???


Is it a minion based class? Because if it is why do so few of them have any board interaction when played? Most of them are just stats with no board presence when played.

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Paladin is like 50/50 minions and spells. It’s pretty well-rounded, but my god, it needs love.