Please Bring Back Classic

If HS devs could learn anything from WoW, it’s this…just bring back Classic. I literally wouldn’t complain about anything going on in the game because at least I’d always be able to play actual/true/real Hearthstone. I know I’m not alone. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. TWIST is good/fine don’t get me wrong, I’m excited for Pauper. But just bring back damn Classic mode, good grief please Just Do It, thank you.


So classic was removed due to it essentially not being updated for years.

What thet should of done is essentially add new expansions after 6 months so peoppe can play the old metagames.

This is what twist is but they break the game by adding caverns of time cards and wierd rules so the format is warped by one deck.

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Classic was never meant to be updated. It was suppose to be exactly what is was. Classic. Which means, how the game was when it was launched. The reason why it was removed was because the player engagement was very low, which is what Blizzard pointed out as the main reason why they decided to remove it. It had nothing to do with the lack of being updated, because then it would not have been called classic.

By adding new expansions to it… it would not have been classic. It would have been wild B, and or twist.

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I think removing Classic was a mistake. Not because I care about playing Classic and not because I think a significant portion of the playerbase cared about playing Classic, no. It’s a pretty bad mode. But while Classic existed all of the bots were in Classic and they weren’t ruining Wild. Which is another game mode that I don’t care to play but I can at least recognize that a significant minority of the playerbase does.

I don’t know if bringing back Classic would cause the bots to move back to Classic from Wild. Maybe it wouldn’t. But if it did then I’d be for bringing Classic back. Make Classic botted again.


But that doesn’t make any sense. Because even low engagement is engagement. What is better for blizz, 1 million people playing hearthstone, or 1.1 million people playing? And at negligible/zero cost to them…obviously classic should never have been removed. The only actual reason I can think of that it was is it was providing too much free value to we, the players, to enjoy, such that we may be less inclined to pay for the current expansions. THAT is why. And that is a dang shame

If the 0.1 aren’t buying anything, then 1.0 million

How does that not make any sense. From a buisness sense it makes total sense. It was a mode that was free, there was not cost for anyone to play it, with zero investment of any kind. But because it was classic, there was nothing they could do to make changes to it because than it wouldn’t be classic. There was nothing to be done. If players keep playing it than most likely it would have stayed. However, if 30 people are playing it out of the millions who play this game, it makes better sense to remove the mode and replace it with something that will have more engagement.

It was a mode where nothing changed, it was always the same. And as Blizzard had pointed out, the engagement was high when they first launched it, however, it gradually declined to almost no engagement. Mercenaries will eventually meet the same fate, and I think the only reason why mercenaries has not been removed yet is the fact that people paid a lot of money for this mode and it will go away quietly. They have already started to put this in motion by 1, no longer updating it, than removing it from the menu when the game launched and the next will be to remove it entirely. However, they would need to compensate players who invested into that mode somehow and so mercenaries is a compilated mess.

Hearthstone is a business, and making the decision to cut Classic was a smart move. Even streamers who played classic stopped streaming classic because no one wanted watch someone play classic because it was boring.

Classic was, by definition, a static format. For that reason, it would take minimal resources to keep it alive. But it also had minimal opportunities for monetization.

So they replaced it with Twist, which has its own problems.

But Classic was rarely played before Twist was launched, and I suspect that many of the remaining Classic players would leave the mode for Twist if both existed at the same time.

there was no good reason to remove classic in my opinion


When they removed classic I uninstalled the game, and it will remain uninstalled until classic is return to us.