Playing Hearthstone

What does it take to play Hearthstone?

What deck do you play?
Do you want to win all your matches not really understanding how or why by netdecking the top 3 decks?
Do you want this perfect deck you made to win, because you know it works?

What about… The opponent.
Do you drop the mages, the rogues, the shamans and maybe the warriors?
Do you drop the borring bot fights?
Do you drop the fights you can’t win?
Do you stick around until the party’s over?

How about emotionaly…
Do you need to be tough and brush off the losses?
Do you need passionate and rage until the energy burns down your opponent in a radiant solar implosion?


What a sanctimonious load of garbage.

Alright, I’ll spill my Hearthstone soul to this question because I find it a fun one.

I dabbled in HS at launch, but stopped shortly after due to life priorities, and most of my hobby time went to WoW back then. Then my eyes beheld the beautiful diamond Varian card with the release of United in Stormwind, so, as someone who loves all things Wrynn, I had to have it, and back into Hearthstone I dove.

I play the heroes and decks I find the most fun, regardless of whether they are the best. I would say I lose more than I win, but that’s ok with me. I’m an adventurer and love quests so I play to complete those mainly. The wins do come, and when they do, they are all the more enjoyable.

My favorite decks are: Warrior (imagine my thrill after requesting a Varian hero skin and then seeing it in the shop, with its awesome animations and voice acting (love you, CM) to boot! :heart_eyes:); playing against Anduin is so much fun when you play the Warrior Varian card. (Also, in a little nerdy RP thing I do, I never attack Anduin with Varian in a match, only his minions :relaxed:).

I also love the gala/party Medivh skin as a Mage, Priest (Little Lion or Prince Charming Anduin), Lor’themar Hunter, and Edwin Rogue. Also, Frostmonger Sai is cool if I ever need to play a DK game.

I used to auto concede to Priests because I find someone repeatedly copying your cards annoying (and not the RP I think of when it comes to Priest) but now I just chill and roll with the punches.

As far as emotionally…that’s an interesting question because this game can definitely be live and die by the sword. There are those amazing games where the stars align and everything just goes right, or you magically draw the one card you need just at the right time, or some miracle happens and you pull off the win by the skin off your teeth. But of course it goes the other way as well; you’re moments away from certain victory, then somehow it all goes terribly wrong. Those are the ones that sting, but I remind myself how it all balances itself out in the end.

And it’s the randomness that makes it fun! :smiley:

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I appreciate the kindness.

I initially downloaded this for my phone. It’s a decent waiting on a chair game. Then i actually installed it on the computer… I’m not all too happy about that part for security reasons.

This game woujld have a learning curve. But it’s worth it to get out of the casual box. You end up playing against human soon enough, in ranked i mean.

I made a few decks, too many. Premades i mean… I used too much dust to patch the epics, i think i made 5. I didn’T get the legendaries.

My favorite deck would be custom paladin. Or maybe plain custom, i’m not sure what i’m doing right now.

It’s always important to make an impression. Those keyboard faceroll names could actually try a little.

I try to finish my games. What’s the point of requestion one if you’re not going to play it. But sometimes… It becomes very difficult and it’s just not worth it. Gambeling is a factor here. Just one more. Just one more to make everything alright.

It’s important to have fun, just a little. Because if you do something fun long enough, you end up having fun. And then your affect shifts into.

Those should happen more or less depending on the deck you play and your understanding of it. Premade or custom. What i mean to say is player skill is involved at a point or another.

There comes a point where i plain lose hope. Bit like gambeling… Still playing, trying to fix it.

Yes, randomness is desirable and should be had twice a day, except on sundays, sundays are serious stuff.

I’m sure some people will have a hard time comprehending normal written English, but hey… They don’t read French either.

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