Playing a netdeck copy pasted from others makes me feel bad

I’m thinking of starting playing Constructed only the way it was meant to be played: by CONSTRUCTING; it’s not going to be easy but it can happen; you start slowly and clumsily and in a few days you may refine something good but also original that most others don’t expect and that surprise factor is extra “win rate power”.

What’s the worst that can happen; not ranking easily; so what: it’s just 1 extra pack.

Ok but why are you procrastinating on the forums go do it already.

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You might as well be a dude wearing clown shoes at a marathon who gets upset that others wear sneakers. Net decking has been around since the first TCG it isn’t going anywhere.


I did. I started today with a Ci’Cigi deck. It won 3 games and lost 2; the first version had a couple of obvious mistakes; imagine if you remove 1 mistake every day what refinement you can do.

Thats how i picture many on this forums(only they are in full jester gear) , not you thought its so much worst for you given i know how ugly you look.
I still have nightmares from it.

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I am the sexiest frog in existance. You wish you looked this good.

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Homebrewing is super fun :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The phrase “sexiest frog” is kinda like “richest crack addict” or “smartest rigging believer”

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Why so aggressive? Does it hurt your feelings thinking there’s another way to play? (there’s some obvious cognitive dissonance there).

Nice strawman by the way on 2 levels; a) nobody told you it’s going anywhere; b) netdecks started as homebrew.

Hence you laugh at others and call them clowns, when you copy paste THEIR decks.

The netdecks weren’t created by Blizzard: those “jesters” did it for you to copypaste.

Did the Frog hurt my feelings …
My sweet child if only you knew the torment i had to endure at the hands of such vile roughtless villain…

No doubt such unholy ordeal will count on my favor when i greet the pearly gates.

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Demeaning others does not make your position better. It’s in line with calling “jesters” those you copy paste their decks from.

How does it feel that you copy paste the work of “jesters”?

Pure bliss , being a fool myself it comes easy to me identifying those on the same path.
From liturature, to grim reality and the very pillars of this forums oh the folly of it all is so very sweet.

Now my dear if you will excuse me i have to continue my journey home and i dont want another lecture about texting and driving from the frog.

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You know my position when it comes to deck-building, so no point in repeating it

So good luck and have fun!

P.S. Post your worst aggro decks on the forum!! If they don’t work in dumpster legend, maybe they work where I play :smiley:

and the only sure way to NOT end up building a meta deck by yourself is making a bad deck on purpose

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And if I don´t enjoy deckbuilding? Tried it, I am neither good at it nor do I like it. Instead I netdeck decks I find fun. Which - and this might be a great surprise - often the ones, who have a high winrate.

You can do whatever you want. It doesn’t stop it from being part of the skillset of the best players in the game; yes they do pure netdecking themselves sometimes; but if you carefully notice: they always have the skill to also understand what cards to replace their worst cards with which is obviously “partly homebrewing”.

The best players appear to always be in a dance of those two abilities; they appear to seek out for proven netdecks; however they never lack the understanding of producing new decks that adapt to the meta which is obviously “targeted homebrewing”; it’s inevitable they have that skill; that’s because they know CARDS.