Playful sprites

I’d probably be legend by now if this didn’t pop up every other game forcing my to take a loss because of your server issues.

What are you doing?!

againnnn … booted out mid game and then 15min queue wthhhh

It’s pretty wild. About to start playing scummy Pally to finish this diamond 5 push. I wanted to make it with Concoction Rogue, but apparently I’m going to need quick games.

its fked up in BGs. ugh.

wow now its a 28min queue. Blizz do you hate my country or my isp???

Arena too. Just dc’d me and gave me a loss. Spaghetti code.

Let’s all relax, it’s a busy day for Battlenet.

NOnsense! if you have many that wants to log on, you boot people mid game???
Is it that hard to do that aft4er a game?? wtf

I understand booting out of games happens. Just don’t give me a loss for it.

Nothing is understandable about getting booted if my connection is stable.
If priority is given to others then state it.

When you see this it’s DDOS. They are constantly under attack. It’s not related to your location.

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