Playful sprites error, tried all fixes

Same. Based in NZ. Tried all the fix suggestions (delete folder, reinstalled the game completely, updated drivers, restarted PC). Every time I open I either have the playful sprites message, or on the occassion (like every 4th attempt?) it gets to the start screen but then it can’t connect. Asia and Europe are working fine (too bad my account is all on the americas server).

Is this somehow related to the DDOS attack?

Same issue. Based in New Zealand. Cannot connect to Americas region.
Can connect on mobile app.
Can connect on Asia and Europe regions.
Started yesterday.
Have used a VPN to Asia and Europe, but did not fix. I assume it is not to do with the routing on my side of things then? But unsure!

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No. That would not explain why many players can connect to the game just fine through a VPN or on their mobile phone.

I am based in NA California for what it’s worth. Has anyone been able to resolve their issues in this thread so far?

Same issue works on android phone but desktop for NA no go.

logged in about an hour ago and have been playing since. it’s fixed for me, maybe! though I didn’t do anything.

Just logged in and its fine now.

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to chime in with some information based on what most are reporting.

If utilizing a VPN, connecting from a different device type or connecting to a different region changes the issue at all, then it is a network or connection issue.

Doing any of the above changes the routing your connection takes to get from your system to our services. This means something in the network or along that specific route is blocking that specific connection.

In most cases the issue is temporary and is resolved once the DNS service provider updates their service.

In others the issue may be due to an issue at one of the nodes along the route or even an issue leading into the service.

I saw the DDOS issue mentioned and that can contribute but those particular situations last minutes to an hour or 2, not typically days.

The main thing you can do in these situations is to try and clear up the local network, try a public dns service or if there are no restrictions on VPNs in your country, use a VPN to get around the issue.

We do not support the use of VPNs but do not expressly prohibit them for any service outside of Diablo II: 2000. So as long as there are no restrictions on VPNs within your country you are allowed to use them.

Another thing you can do in these situations, (especially once you confirm the issue is resolved by any of the above mentioned methods, is to post in this forum.

You want to include:
Affected Region(s):
Your method of Workaround:

Then reach out to your ISP to report the issue. The more reports they get, the more likely they will be able to find the routing issue and adjust their service to address it.

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