Player pausing indefinitely when losing

Hello, so dude is about to lose so starts an attack animation to pause his turn indefinitely. Reported but is there a way to contact blizz chat? Anyone else experience this? How long until BLIZZ notices the anomaly?(a game going over an hour or more)

this sounds like the game just froze on you? have you tried force-quitting and restarting it? You should be reconnected to your match if it is still available. Usually when a certain amount of time has passed without interaction the “rope” timer will start to hand the turn over to you. Or, if the other player just quit the game without conceding it or if they simply lost their connection, after a certain time has passed you will be granted a win and presented with a message that the other player “left”.

Thank you, this is not the case unfortunately, over an hour now. Not naming the guy, just don’t want him to do this to others.

ok, still recommend to just restart the game and get into a new match! hope this remains an exception. glhf!

Appreciate it, I’m currently playing KCD(KCD2 coming!)and will wait it out with no issue.

You can’t pause turns forever, if you’re stuck in a turn for over an hour it means your game froze just like ScrAm said. It’s a known bug.

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Imagine if you were watching OP stream his game during this “pause”

When they lose it’s OK. I had found once the most obnoxious play style in the history of Hearthstone. a) They were an extremely slow control deck (they were already slow by default) b) They were against a deck unfavored against control (they were winning anyway) c) They STILL ropped every single time making them not just a waste of time and not just arrogant but also just plain petty.

Your game did not “freeze” as in stuck in some loop, your game client is desync’ed and is waiting for a network message that will never come.

The game is garbage because there is no timeout period. Your client will never try to recover by contacting the server and resetting the game state. The game is pile of spaghetti code that accumulates more and more issues every patch. It will never be fixed - they already comissioned a cost estimate and rejected a rebuild.

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Yeah that’s what I mean. You can still interact with the UI but nothing’s happening and the rope will never appear.

It’s been happening to me as well Foxedge. Believe Fireseal is correct.

I’m saying the same thing as Fireseal. I just used the phrase “the game freezes” in a more symbolic way. The bug was very common half a year or so ago. They fixed it, but it returned for some players 2-3 weeks ago and seems to occur very rarely now. I didn’t have it since back then.

I hear you, I was told it was on my side myself. This just proves to me it’s not my side. And the freezing happens all the time now.