Player agency balance changes incoming!

Threads, omg that is my biggest issue with tbis current meta, threads is such a powerful card for one mana

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By this logic we should not nerf anything because every OP decks has some people that like it.

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It is powerful, one of a few solid DK cards. It still usually is not enough against a decent draw from Beast Hunter. Maybe they are finally going to adjust that crap tho? Let’s not hold our breaths tho.

I don’t know, maybe you are playing different game but in my world almost no DK is running Reno. It’s usually hyper aggressive BUU stuff or rarely handbuff. Horseman is so much better for Plagues anyway.

The question is, do they want to slow down the meta and offer more counter play, or do they want to accelerate the meta and embrace the rock paper scissor?

A few thing in what they say on twitter makes me thing the meta will be even faster that it is right now. Let’s just wait and see i suppose.

No one is talking about nerfing an individual deck. We’re talking about removing an entire play style from the game by implenting a blanket restriction to the way the game works. It would fundamentally alter HS gameplay and it is a really bad idea.

Sounds great, but trying to reverse a 5+ year trend in design is going to take a lot more than a single balance patch.


This 100%

They say things like this, but then the changes come out and we’re all left scratching our heads.

See all the BG changes they just announced? 30+ buffs/nerfs?
That’s literally what standard needs.

Like they said…the rotation should have lowered the power overall because the expansion cards looked, on paper, less powerful…and that didn’t happen at all. It’s crazy how far we’ve come in terms of power spiking.


i just hope they dont make many cards unplayable with the patch

if is as big as they said well have a lot of dust comming from these nerfs i already know ill craft the DK hero card with this patch dust

im weird

i dont like playing wheel warlock but i love playing DK paladin in wild}
specialy vs a mage whos been stalling with iceblock without trying to attack me
just stalling

No shot the people complaining about reno are actually going to get it nerfed. The board clear effect literally only works on aggro decks who had no business letting the game reach 8 mana. Hunter and Paladin are like the only two classes in the game that give a crap about it lol

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I can’t believe they put Reno in the same bucket as wheel or zamari or whatever the otk garbage flavor of the month is.

I mean Reno has an incredibly strong effect, but he’s not anywhere near as problematic as other’s.

In any case looking forward to what they think they can do, but the fact that they finally used the words player agency along with balancing is hopeful. It’s only been the warcry of just about every good player who has ever quit this game, and players have been sounding the alarm for years.

Better late than never? I hope they realize how much the games future hinges on how well they follow thru

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I would like the change to only be the initial requirement,
like the one proposed by zeddy, just to imagine the look on those crybabies’ faces that want him dead…

But most likely they are going to nerf him hard…

I saw direct mention by the devs of momentum cards being an issue and board clears also but they seem kind of clueless about the other issues:

Draw and how cheap and consistent it is is the problem with things like Reno. Show me a true highlander deck that has been a problem ever? Cycle odyn or bomb boss is the issue along with other classes that abuse it. If they nerf draw then they nerf over use of Reno.

And my greatest fear is they will nerf all the inevitability in the game which they label as problematic, but leave infinite plagues as is, because it’s clearly not a momentum swing, but if there is no inevitability in the game it’s a I win in N turns card.

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Reno was specifically mentioned, so chances seem high.

Good. Reno is part (maybe even most) of the reason why board-based midrange decks have disappeared - in conjunction with Warlock’s and Warrior’s ability to draw incredibly fast.

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I always attributed this more to the power of finishers in the later stages of the game more than the removals.

Since united in Stormwind, the turns where midrange decks would typically start dropping high value 5/6 cost minions and baiting larger removals is now where decks just start killing you in an overwhelming fashion.

Which leaves little room for that style of deck as it’s just less lethal by default, and has no defense to that kind of lethality.

Same deal with more tempo control decks that run heavy on 7+ cost threats

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It’s a token gesture, just like the last time they promised to fix the broken meta, then nerfed pirate warrior, long after it wasn’t relevant.

Of course, they toss out reno, because they probably sent someone (because the devs can’t bother to show up themselves any more) to see which card was mentioned the most, so people who defend them could go “well lookie here, they ARE listening…how else would they know reno was a problem?!”

If they actually cared, they wouldn’t create the cards in the first place. And they would listen to feedback long before the mass exodus (which both them and their die hard defenders) were simultaneously denying was taking place, but actively encouraging people who were posting about these exact same problems to leave.

For every Wild deck they kill they need to revive a Wild deck, or killing Wild is the only thing they’d succeed in accomplishing.

That is the only thing I can tolerate in Wild. Every couple of days or so I jump for a game or two to wreck some try harders with Exodia Paladin. Tho I would prefer the mode allowed for persistent entertainment but oh well.

Haha, wut? Midrange has been dead for years. I think it died before control even :laughing: