Player agency balance changes incoming!

Looks like they are planning to nuke a whole lot of “I win” cards.

Thank God. I’ve been begging for this for ages (or the ability to disrupt them with more reliability).


This is the clearest indication ever that people are starting to not play the game in sufficient numbers to register with them.

I like some of what they did in the BGs, but standard is just nuts. I get my wins for the week and bolt. Not worth ranking right now, imo.


Yeah, there’s only so many times players will stomach seeing

Flash of Lightning
Wheel of Death

And knowing that the game is basically lost already.

Cards shouldn’t have to be preempted in order for there to be a back and forth game.

Almost every meta deck relies on doing stuff like this. It has gotten insane.


I’ll believe it when I see it.



Now that I crafted OTK Shaman on all 3 servers and practised it for 200 games, now they decide to nuke it and address everything else and probably shift the meta by 180° again


Ah well, it was long coming. Crash is obviously getting nerfed, because it addresses AoE removal and OTK potential 2 in 1.

Reno is getting nerfed, hopefully.

Threads as well.

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Seriously, I was already moving on from this game forever, this is like finding an oasis in the middle of the desert for me.


The post on X seems to be mostly around Battlegrounds

They haven’t released the standard/wild changes previews yet. Might just get those with the patch.

Oh well done ,down to the gutter Priest goes again and people still want to to put a foot on Mage drowning body lmao.

I wont hold my breath on the buffs.


Cross your fingers that these are quest mage, mine rogue and questwarlock…

I don’t think it falls into this category, but if that keeps the standard staff happy, then welcome.

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Only believe seeing it.

Never was against doing something like that.

Just was against people trying to do this card by card and transforming every game balancing discussion into this subject while defending that actually unplayable cards were “Fine”.

So let’s give it a chance i’m guess.

Freaking finally. I hate Zarimi Priest but I play it because it’s the only viable Priest deck atm. I hope this balance patch really really shakes things up, and as I’ve stated before, I’m in favor of frequent big balance patches.

The buff I’m looking for is Injured Hauler also hitting the hero. It would go so far in making Overheal viable.

helya ?
no idea why is helya on that list it cant do what all the others can


As someone who loves control and plays primarily Wheel Warlock: Good. Finally.

The lack of agency is ridiculous.

The interesting part is that they mentioned all patches going forward are going to be about agency first. This might not be the last huge patch to bring power level in line with the new set.

I would personally be fine with them turning every card from the previous years sets that are power outliers and bring them into line with the new sets level of power. They can certainly revert those changes when they rotate to wild.

I think it is long past the time to implement “But not less than 1” as a fundamental mechanic of the game.


Do they actually read these boards? These are some of the topics that have been discussed for a while… I’m surprised. I am however not entirely convinced of the ability to do it properly, but addressing these concerns is certainly a very large leap in the right direction.


They are on Reddit and Twitter the most. Reddit being the place where they openly discuss with players about game issues. Hat is the one on all forums though that you will most interact with.

There is one other place where the developers in general talk to “players”. There’s a special discord for content creators where design discuss with those creators about changes and balance in all forms of the game.

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It’s another card that massively swings a game. It just does it a bit more slowly (which it has to, the thing only costs 4 Mana).

Rest of game effects are really damn hard to effectively balance.

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I really hope they don’t ever do this. There is nothing wrong with 0 cost cards or with mana cheat in general. This fix is an oversimplification that would just remove an entire subset of gamestyles from the game. You may not like high APM decks but other people, me included, enjoy them a lot. I wish so many players stopped repeating this (imo) silly request all the time

There’s nothing high APM about playing cards for free that were never meant to be played for free and give you an absurd advantage in game. Putting a restriction on cost reduction also opens up the game to more interesting cards that can reduce cost. Instead of having to weigh if a card is too powerful because it makes other cards cost nothing when they weren’t meant to be nothing.