Play 3 titans mission bug

Today I noticed that playing the rogue’s titan the mission counter does not go on.
In weekly missions it works, in seasonal ones it doesn’t


Having the same issue. This is the “Heavy Weights” quest.


Seems it is because it is a T1t4n not a Titan.


I thought the same, but if you right-click the card it does still label itself as a Titan (the 4th box, below the triggered abilities). It also comes up in a collection search for “titan”.

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I seem to have the same issue here?
Have we heard anything from Blizzard about this?

There’s 10 other titans. Just use one of those.

They may not have the other titans. I only have Argus the dh titan in a lucky pull as I’ve only opened a dozen or so packs. Used him for the quest.


I also can’t complete “Heavy Weights” quest.

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Now is even worse. After restarted HS, the quest was completed, but the 600XP didn’t add up to the total XP already earned. :frowning:

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it is bugged for me too

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Same bug to, i can’t finish the mission, that’s a problem x(

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me too
wish fixing the bug asap
I only have one complete deck with T1T4N

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I’m having the same issue. It’s the only Titan card I have…

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Same here . Stuck on this quest :frowning:

Same here. Tried it with the Rogue Titan and it will not recognize the card been played in a game…

Edit: I found a reddit post claiming that the Rogue Titan card does not work because of its unique spelling on the card.

Tried the Death Knight Titan in a game instead and it worked… go figure.

Can u tell card name that you used?

I dont thinks Blizzard dont read forum, unless some insult Blizzard!
Who really wonder we get bug, i see bug after bug in this game, changes after changes when things not are thought out!

Yes Blizzard please fix this rogue Titan is the only one i got and i can’t craft another one, please just do ur job


Same issue for me, the rogue titan is ALL I have. Please fix blizzard or just give this quest at this point.


Same issue here. It is not important, if you have another Titans; it should be possible to do this with the Rogue Mech one.

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