Play 3 titans mission bug

Same problem, and i cant use other titans bc i dont have any. This argument sounds a lot like the girl that goes “if youre homeless just buy a house”. Hopefully blizzard will fix that


Same issue here. Blizzard please fix this, it would be appreciated!

Use the Eoner the Life-Binder card for Heavy Weights

Crazy this is still bugged. This is why blizzard is loosing money. I play HS but don’t give them a dime.

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You would think Blizzard would do something about a Time Sensitive event. Either fix the issue with the card (less likely to happen in time) or simply change the event requirement to something like use 5 Titan abilities or some such. As while Voltron might not count as a played Titan the abilities might.
Or even simpler just say ‘Well that bugged, we are sorry, play 5 games and the reward is your, our bad, no hard feelings.’

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Don´t want to think that the Rogue Titan was massively given to F2P that are now stuck without completing the quest to get the hero portrait since the bug continues for so long in a great event…

I tried with several legendary titans, nothing

Ive tried to achieve this with multiple Titans. And playing Standard, Wild and Casual. Nothing works ffs.

Same here, can’t complete the quest with rogue’s titan. Please Blizzard, fix this ASAP !

The bug is happening to me as well. It’s the only titan I have and I can’t complete the mission because of this bug. I hope Blizzard will fix it soon before the event time is up.


Im starting to think the blizzard team is a bunch of ****** morons…

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Same here, can’t complete the quest. Pls fix this Quest.

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It’s unfortunate that you have to do this, but try borrowing a deck from a friend who has a different Titan and play it against them. It worked for me and it’s faster than trying to achieve it against people who are just trying to beat you.

“Funny” thing - there is a bug with rogue titan for event quest, yet rogue titan counts normally for weekly quest “play 10 titans”

“Thank you” Blizzards. Hope they give DK skin for free as Im not able to finish quest line (yet, don’t believe that they do so)

another spoiled game experience by blizzard
well done, the great company (used to be ofc)

I have the same problem, I even bought over 30 packs in hope of getting another Titan but didn’t get any legendaries :frowning:

Same problem here. Maybe this is rly only the case since this Titan is a t1t4n. Why is this still a thing after These Cases were opened 20 day ago?

Since I have 1 Titan only and it’s Rogue’s & my friend also has only this one, we used Whizbang the Wonderful decks to do this. Thats took some time bc the deck is always random and a chance of getting new deck with titan isnt that high. Ty Blizzard 4 making “working” quest.

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Same issue for me too. Contacted also Blizzard Hearthstone assistance, opening a ticket, but I was bounced to the Bug Report. Seems unresolved, and I don’t have any available time to fullfill the completion of the Ulduar Grand Championship without recurring to quest completion (Heavy Weights and Champion’s ring). I’m a little disappointed

Same issue here… it’s been already 2 weeks almost since people reported this. Way to go Blizz … ‘getting better and better as a company for your customers’