Plagues are not shuffled randomly

I have been having fun playing a plague deck where I shuffle in as many plagues as humanly possible. After shuffling literally thousands of plagues, they are not random. I have now had about 40+ games where the opponent’s deck is between 30-80% plagues and they go multiple turns without seeing a plague. I really do not think there are any intentional conspiracies in the game. But, after this many times of seeing 1% chances happening, something may unintentionally be wrong with the code.

Will actually start trying to collect some data, but this has been waaaay to many times on the bad side of the bell curve.


That’s some heavy confirmation bias there. I’ve seen it where an opponent has 5 plagues and draws 4…

Rare events happen all the time. Especially with the amount of games that go on per day. If they didn’t, there’d be more of a conspiracy.


I am very aware of confirmation bias and have spoken about it on the forum before. After playing even more games it looks like the clumping happens when you get to a very very large amount of plagues. 15+. I have now had multiple games today where people were missing 50/50s and even upwards of 70/30s on plagues for multiple turns and multiple games in a row. My last game today vs druid, they were at 12/15 plagues in deck. They dodged every plague till it was only plagues. This happening would and should be exceedingly rare. Except, the previous game vs another druid I had over 20 plagues in their deck and they were going 20/25, 20/24, 20/23 missing plagues.

When games finish with having only shuffled less than 10 in, the distribution seems completely fine. I plan on gathering hard data because this has become incredibly noticeable. Odds happening that seem frankly baffling. No code is perfect and no randomizer is perfect. Will come back once I get at least a few hundred data points.


Too many demands on their servers to run a reshuffle function? Just insert them at the end. No one can prove the shuffle function was never done.

Look how they “solved” the race condition/desync problem with the nellie card. Instead of proper timing code, they put some delays in between.

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You haven’t done that already yet make such a bold claim.



Experiencing multiple sub 1% results in the span of a few play sessions is more than noticeable. Unless I am just on the absolute crazy end of a bell curve, something is not sitting right. We also know for a fact that there is no such thing as a true randomizer. This is common knowledge.


My opponents literally never drew any plagues, ever. Even in the extreme case with 15 plagues in deck and 16 cards total, they still drew a non plague while at 1 hitpoint, killing me that turn.

So I stopped to play plague decks. Problem solved.

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I get the feeling Plagues were meant more as a punishment for draw-heavy decks. I play DK a bit and I have to admit that there may be a bit of bias at play, as we tend to remember the instances in which plagues were not drawn the way we thought they should have over those in which the opponent drew several plagues in a row. I’ve said it since the package came out, you really need something other than plagues as your win condition, which is why so many DKs seem to run plagues and the Excavate cards.

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Seems to align with a warlock complaint in another thread, after slotting some sludge into thr bottom of his deck vs a Plague DK, he cast Fracking to dig some out (presumably for clear or sth), only to have 100% plagues in the bottom of his deck. Something seems fishy with the plague shuffle coding. :thinking:

This entire thread contrasts with the times I play against plague DK and seem to immediately draw the frost plague the next 3 turns after they play Helya.


people drop that line all the time but when asked to predict every single card draw …they cant

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That’s actually a very interesting observation. I felt the same way about bomb shuffling during the brief popularity of Mech Warrior with the 10-cost minion that shuffles 3 bombs into the opponent’s deck.

When facing Mech Warrior, it felt more likely to draw the bombs than it would have been to draw the plagues when facing a DK, even though the DK shuffled in a larger number of plagues. The times I’ve seen a chain of plagues towards the end of the game, where the deck is almost entirely plagues, have been more rare than they should be.

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Ive run some rainbow dk and this is just confimation bias. Ive had games dropping helya on 4 and opponent topdecks a plague quite a few times. And rainbow runs only helya for plagues (more can be discovered but thats besides the point).

Hey people, look, it’s the tinfoil man :smiley:

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I just want to mention that it shuffles each time you add a plague to the opponent’s deck. The next card could have been a plague until you shuffled their deck.

That said, I’ve seen enough plague dk to not worry about the random. For every game as you describe, I’ve seen situations where the only plague in the deck is the top card the following turn.

I have also had runs of 10+ plagues late in games.

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Random is random. Even if the next card was going to be a plague there is still the same random chance a plague would have been put at the top as before. It should make ZERO difference in the long run because there should be times where it wasn’t a plague on top and one then gets put on top. Over a thousand runs it should bear out close to the average.


I’m just telling you it might look off if you don’t see every shuffle.

I’ve played a couple hundred games with it and I thought it looked fine is what I’m saying.

How many games have you shuffled 15+ plagues? I am guessing very few if any.

Hundreds. Literally hundreds. I played a TON of plague dk. I’m telling you when I first started I thought it was odd, but the more I played the more I didn’t feel that way, especially when I played it in wild.

Were you running Death Growl or Yelling Yodeler? If not, you were not shuffling that many in.