Pirates needs nerfed in wild!

Totally crap that everyone is playing pirates able to kill you by turn 3!!!

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I just had a game where a druid OTKd me on turn 3. Was awesome.

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I personally just don’t take Wild seriously and ignore it entirely; I dust all its cards; when there’s a rotation I just dust everything no questions asked (given I have to craft obviously).

That’s because I get some basic statistics; the balancing problem is exponentially more complex than standard’s; standard is barely balanced so good luck with wild.

MAYBE if the development team didn’t give the impression they barely finish their job to balance Standard and Wild is only there to sell old packs to completionists.

aggressive deck types were always farming greedy value decks. Simply put more taunt, aoe and damage spells in your list.

I only play wild. If something needs a nerf than it is Shudderwock, this elwynn boar shenanigan or ressurrect priest.

“once per game” would enrich the gameplay against of them

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Those are most definitely not the decks needing nerfed in wild. I mean Shudderwock is an issue when looking at the general history of wild but shaman decks are not competing right now let alone Shudderwock OTKs. There are other OTKs that go off much more quickly. Reno Shaman is better than OTK Shudderwock


probably you are right. they just feel very bad zu play against. I know, it is just my type of deck choice making me weak against them.