Photographer Fizzle infinite deck combo

I’m very much an experimentalist in this game. The fun for me is coming up with the crazy and unexpected. Thought I’d share this one with the forum.

Play photograher fizzle while you have a bounce card in hand, then bounce him back. Leave him in your hand until you draw the photograph then play him again, play that 0 casting cost card and bounce him back to your hand. Using this combo, you will never run out of 0 casting cost photographs to use once you run out of cards in your deck.

Enjoy! :slight_smile:

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I assum you are using rogue for this combo right yeh that is a fun combo especially wit tess you can inifinite tess rogue builds :D.

Yes, but im using him to get infinite excavates.

Anytime I see photographer fizzle I know I’m in for shenanigans. Druid played 4 of that Elonar Legendary yesterday and kept refreshing their health and mana and I just conceded out of boredom by like turn 15.

Don’t even getting me going on what they’re doing with Druid these days. The dragon deck is a next level sort of annoyance.

there is a druid combo in wild to gain thousands of armor with linecracker, making plate breaker useless since you can only use it at max twice