Petition to Remove Oh My Yogg Lethal Achievement

As a completionist, I’m fully disheartened right now

I’m writing this post staring at the Oh My Yogg “achievement”.

After spending hours clearing achievements, with the goal of clearing all of the Faire quests, mid-way through I hit the “Oh My Yogg” Lethal Achievement.

Wow. – This is not only not an achievement (it’s totally random), it’s nearly impossible to achieve!

As a paying user, I really don’t want to stare at a green checkmark for some achievement I may need to play 1000 games for to MAYBE get lucky to hit.

Please Blizzard change/remove/nerf this particular achievement!

Who’s with me!?


I’m not sure what the achievement is…

But, don’t you like a challenge? Haha

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“Deal lethal damage with ‘Oh My Yogg’”

You know Mortal Kombat that test they do on it?

Test your Might!!

Well, this is Test your Luck!!


On a serious note…

Oh My Yogg achievement… that card enables you to make a spell cast by the opponent turn into another spell of the same cost…

The ideal scenario would be something like… your enemy has 1-3 health points left and they cast a 2-mana spell… and it gets transformed into a frostbolt that targets either your hero or their hero… no minions can be on the board… which gives you a 50/50% of it hitting either you or them, then if it hits them you’ll get the achievement.

That’s the way I’d probably try to do it. That’s certainly not the easiest thing to do… but there might be ways to make it easier… I only gave that a little bit of thought…

If you added that one paladin card legendary card from scholomance … lord barov or whatever… and get him to kill everyone… that might open up the opportunity… or something similar to that…

dont remove it

increase the exp awarded by a lot !

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Imagine removing an achievement just because it’s something not easy to obtain.

I like the fact that there are “unusual” achievement (like this one); it’s not mandatory to have all the achievement unlocked, so I think it’s fine to have some nearly impossible (they are an extra anyways)


Sure. It’s very easy to imagine time-value of a totally random achievement, that’s not in your control, when the goal is to check off all “achievements”

I can appreciate a separate fun/random happenings bucket list of sorts, but not mixed in with the other 98% of achievements that aren’t similar in nature/format

Also: And you say it’s an extra, but you can pay for a “rewards track boost”

As far as I’m concerned, bud, if there’s maybe 1 or 2 achievements that you have better odds of getting struck by lightning than actually achieving but haven’t achieved yet and still plan to… you’ve really done as many as you could have at least within the realm of practicality.

So if you’re looking for acknowledgement you’ve got mine for it.

Maybe instead of thinking of it like… you got 95% out of 100% of the achievements accomplished… think of it like you got 100%, and these really difficult ones are just the extra 105%.

i bet it happens to you :laughing:

I think the purpose of the achievements aren’t to be able to achieve every single one. The purpose, I think, is to show others what unique things have happened to you, also. Someone may have a very low probability achievement and it will be recognition of that special thing happening to them.

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thanks for the feedback all! I was surprised I may be in the minority here…like shocked. Didn’t see that coming :slight_smile:

re: SuperLegend! Haha for sure now that I’ve made this post. My 3rd game trying last night, I was drawing live to achieve it, so I took screenshots to post here in case it did. Would’ve been an epic karma move. - I still standby this one being a HUGE time-sink, that requires a lot of luck, and for many won’t be achieved.

re: Brandiddly - I like that idea a lot, and think that would be a fun tracking section in the journal log for sure. I just don’t think it jives well as an “achievement”, and especially not in the Faire section, which to my understanding, is time-sensitive, and only allows you to achieve these during the expansion. – I personally think a fun-event-occurrences tracker of sorts would work better in its owns section, or in the section that tracks over “all time” (where “win a game with 1 health is currently stored”)

At the very least they should make these achievements doable in single player. Obviously I know why they didn’t do that, but they didn’t take into account that players have a tendency to concede way before many of those achievements can happen like Oh My Yogg! killing them (which can only happen if they’re nearly dead in the first place). I know that’s not your issue, but you’d have many more attempts if people didn’t concede so quickly.

In my case, I tried the Sayge achievement, but even in Ranked people concede as soon as I manage to play a couple of Secrets and stall them, even if they still have 30 health and I haven’t played anything threatening.

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