Perfect answer every turn

Just wondering how every single game the finook you are playing has the perfect answer, there isn’t a bad turn where the ricchione has a subpar place. It can’t be this normal to constantly play finocchios that get this lucky.


I am wondering this myself…seems to be a lot of cheating going on or something that is cleverly disguised as cheating. Of course this is the algorithm at work, if you spend some more real money on the game it will begin to give you the perfect answer every turn, but until then you gotta suffer with the rest of us plebians. And if you say you have already spent real money on the game but are still getting targeted by the algorithm…you need to spend more money…or accept your place amongst the commonfolk underneath the blubbery heels of algorhythmic :whale2: :whale:

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Devs have to be honest and bring deck log detailed that players can view after each game.
First starting deck as order of cards with time and date record. After switch cards there should be another recorded log so we can view deck changes not forced or used by algorithm in game.
Of course there is cards can make order or put top draw , discard bottom but algorithm still may use free cards rest of in deck.
i never play face deck, buff deck or draw and put on board decks like current standard meta.
But devs still focusing this kind of players because they are very easily to manipulate to feel them smart and pay in game more.
You can see this on emotes while you play with them. Most of them already quit game if you start winning.
Check this forum who is angry about Reno and other clear cards those are focused hearthstone players. Human bots. Draw, check your mana play, emote.