People take too long to have their turns

I am waiting for the day when “Nozdormu” will put you in a match against other nozdormu’s deck, just to see if people who want to play fast will put this card in their deck, or if they won’t because it’s not good enough.

Also because Nozdormu as it is right now it’s completely garbage.


The fact that they played the same deck for a month straight and still not sure what card to play on the next turn and takes 30sec to decide…just shows how bad the general player of heartstone is…


I like how this post was dormant for 2 years, THEN, dormant for 2 more years. Ultimate necroooooo! :rofl: OT: It is really annoying. Even if I’m playing a deck I have not played/seen before it doesn’t take that long to take a turn. I said it before and I’ll say it again: I wish I could BLOCK people who rope. I do not care if my queue gets slightly longer as a result, I don’t have time to sit there twiddling my thumbs for almost two minutes! I’m here to play HS, NOT watch Netflix, troll the HS message boards etc…

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maybe we should necro more relevant posts and actually bring back good conversation to the forums . i think avg time per turn is a metric that should be addressed more.

You are 22 months too early.

So I know I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it once again: other digital ccgs tend to have a turn timer of 60 seconds (at least the ones without instants or shared turns do, since an action timer works different from a turn timer). Hearthstone has 75 seconds. I also very rarely encounter repeat ropers (people who rope 2+ times in 1 game) ever in any other digital ccg. In hearthstone it’s the opposite; I rarely run into anyone who doesn’t full rope every turn. The longer turn timer is clearly encouraging and enabling trolls, and should be reduced to the same as the other games out there: 60 seconds.

I usually alt-tab and browse the internet during my opponents turn.

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By posting this they have won. Let it go, drink a beer and play this game half attentively as it was intended.

If you have to distract yourself with something actually fun in order to enjoy hearthstone, why not just…only do that other thing and phase out the hearthstone part entirely?

Im sure the players who rope on turn 1 are just trying to wrap their brains around the fact that they cant play their 3-4 mana card with just 1 mana.
Surely they dont rope just to annoy the opponent.

I haven’t seen a “roper” in ages. Perhaps it is a problem of the dumpster ranks?

Try playing a priest with that damn shadow card and 2 of those light thingies that reduce the costs of spells in hand by one…you will see then what long turns mean…But it’s blizzard, you paid and you got :)))

I watched this hs tournament aka championships, people playing it did that everytime.

I for example, roll a cigarette, make a coffee, google something, change music or talk to my gf…so sometimes i rope alot depends how busy i am beside hs. Or i play a second match on my other phone at the same time.

Also i dont take the game much serious.

Yeah waste other people time for your own convivence.

You are the reason it should be changed to 30 seconds and after 2 full ropes you lose the game.

100% d’accord, je passe 2 fois voir 3 fois plus de temps à attendre qu’à jouer… les parties de 20mn ou je joue moins de 5mn ça soule. J’ai de moins en moins de fun alors que ça fait plus de 7 ans que je joue. Diminuez le temps des tours ou bien infligez une pénalité à ceux qui se tape la corde plus de 3 fois dans la partie… Et venez pas me parler d’un dragon pourri à mettre dans son deck.