People still play this rigged game?

Oh man, how does that mainstream narrative taste?

You forgot to take into account the quantum flying elephants.

This would show that there are no Australian elephants in Australia. But it would not prove there are no Australian elephants. Perhaps the reason they are so good at hiding is that they have evolved teleportation.


My sifting was of such potency that only elephant singularities could slip through. And we all know that black holes have no hair (thus are not elephants).

No, you can’t.

And even if you could, you would not see the elephants sneaking around behind you to their new hiding spots.

Ok I will pay that seeings it’s bedtime.

But what about the elephants that flew to New Zealand while you were sifting Australia? You think said elephants would sit around waiting for you to pull the sand out from under them? No. No sir.

These elephants have dignity. They would fly to New Zealand and start anew.

Scrotie gave me unlimited but finite measuring devices. Practically that is down to planck length, anything inside that distance is a singularity.

I measured their mass at the beginning.

I see a flaw though, my technique will only work if there are no elephants. I can’t prove a positive!

How? If they are in the air?

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I measured the curvature of space time caused by their mass.

And how did you differentiate their mass from the mass of other flying things? You don’t know how much they weigh. That could have simply been a fly.

Yep like I said, if they exist I can’t prove the positive. It’s only if they don’t exist that I can prove it.

By the way, when you start comparing flies to elephants as if someone could mistake the two, you make an otherwise plausible conversation seem ridiculous.

But you can’t prove that they don’t exist, because you don’t know the weight and can’t differentiate between if they are real or not. If they don’t exist, you wouldn’t know because you couldn’t rule out that the weight you measured was them or flies because you can’t differentiate between the two. The only way to differentiate between the two is to prove it exists in the first place.

Exactly. That’s what happens when you try to prove the nonexistence of something. Now you’re getting it!

No if I sift all of Australia, measure it particle by particle, move it, and all of the starting and transported mass is accounted for, then I can say there were no elephants. This is all made possible by singularities, because all singularities have only three properties - mass charge and spin. This means they can’t be elephants.

If there is a discrepancy, someone can argue there must have been an elephant. Or a fly!

No, you’d just be attempting to prove the non location of something, not the nonexistence, as Scrotie pointed out earlier.

Yes no elephants hiding in Australia.

And I’m really just trying to prove something. At this point I’m not fussed what it is :sleeping:

So we’re back to being unable to prove the non existence of something.

My initial point was that you can prove some negatives.

This isn’t even true. The intersection of A and B is people with no hair.