People still play this rigged game?

Intersection means in both sets (a and b)

It’s so obvious. The “It’s rigged” crowd are all mental. They can’t prove they are not mental so the only other option is that they are mental. The rigging only happens within their own mind not in actual reality. Since it’s part of a reality then the game is rigged. If the game is rigged in 1 reality its rigged in all realites. Circle Logic complete game is rigged in all realities.

I am not saying that the game is rigged… BUT!

I find it especially frustrating that almost everytime I am playing my Shudderwock deck I , for whatever reason get matched against a mirror Shudderwock deck…

Not saying it is rigged but… frustrating.

The same way I play against Secrets for like 5 games and when I decide to play my tech deck with anti-secret and stuff I suddenly get matched against a Pirate Warrior and screwed totally.

Anyway, I do not spend any money on this game so I guess I am marked as a “free kill”.

I really lost 27 games in a row in Diamond and I kept selecting different decks that suddenly were ALL useless…

It is not rigged. But this is weird and infuriating.

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Reality is bitter and unpleasant at times, but I find the alternative far worse.

It’s an April 1st thread, guys. Relax.

You’re preaching to the choir here dude. I’ve seen the same algorithms but I also have to deal with cheaters too boot. So between crappy algorithms and cheaters, you either just gotta turn your brain off, pray you run into a legit player, and attempt to enjoy the game or just uninstall it.

Have to agree to some level. Every single player at bronze 10 has a fully kitted out net deck these days, there are no new players only long term and whales so f2p or new players simply cannot get a win. Combine with lack of care from Blizz and so much cheating/hacking its pretty much dead unless you pay in heavily

New algo warning. The algo that rigs the combat fase was to obvious and easy to detect so they switched to a different algo. The algo that just gives you bad cards (or good cards) over and over.

Its detrimental for mental health and leads to a warped perception of reality.
You can see this with some players who begin to rage if they are only slightly above average lucky and when they are extremely lucky they think that is perfectly normal and the way the game goes for everyone.

Either way i have seen enough and will take a break from this game for a few months if not forever. It has been a lot of fun but at one point it is time for something else.

The way to counter the system is indeed to not play.
The system will run out of “free kills” (as a previous poster properly did describe them) and eventually the players who are blessed by blizzard will have to face eachoter and the whole thing collapses. They will have average luck and start to rage because they will perceive it as bad luck.

Either way it has been fun so no regrets. Now the time has come to do something more constructive with my free time.

Maybe cu all in a few months and maybe not.

And to add a bit more background. The thing that tipped me of to the existance of an algo was private lobbys in tournaments.
In those lobbys my luck has been perfectly normal,no weird things happening. The game goes just the same way as you see the game progressing on streams. Sometimes you hit,sometimes you miss but you never have extreme bad for a prolonged time.
Just normal flow. But then on ladder,sometimes it is normal (often right after a new game update) but you can notice when the algo starts to kick in.

And for those who are wondering if i really believe in all of this. I would say its 50-50 at this point,i am not sure. Probably slightly leaning towards actually believing all of this.

Anyway that was it.

the only proper proof is the code behind it. untouched and left as it is, going public. we all know that it is not going to happen. so, stop asking for proof once will ya? you know that they can not prove it because it is not legally possible but it does not mean that it is not rigged as well.

you can not even post pictures or videos here, which can not be considered as proper proofs but still… what do you expect? people can not criticize a game that they have spent time and money on it?

let’s see your argument,

person says the matchmaking adjusting to your deck and your counter argument is: “that doesn’t happen.” ummm, what is your source? a blizz employee says “no, that does not happen?”… you know cigarettes was advertised as healthy and doctors suggested the use of it back then, right?

look mate, if you wanna be the analytic-minded fella around here, consider what’s been said above and make smarter comments than “prove this”, “prove that”. oh, also say Kotick and his herd hello from me. blizzard will never be the blizzard we loved but at least it won’t be the one we hate under Microsoft.

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Then they shouldn’t believe in it. Full stop, end of story.

Okay, maybe not end of story. Maybe beginning of story.

Let’s consider two men, Antoine and Gyatso.

Antoine knows that God doesn’t exist. It doesn’t matter to him that he can’t deductively prove that God doesn’t exist, because if you asked him, he’d tell you that he has. He’s thoroughly certain that God is a lie perpetrated through Judeo-Christian tradition.

Gyatso, on the other hand, is not certain of this. As a matter of fact, as a member of an extremely secluded community in the mountains, he’s never even heard of the concept of god. He’s never heard anyone talk about god, and he doesn’t even have a word for the idea. His total lifetime thoughts on the subject number zero.

Now here’s the important part: neither of these people behave, in any way, as if God exists. If you’re a Gyatso you naturally behave in the same manner as an Antoine. There is no functional and no meaningful difference between “I know X doesn’t exist” and “I don’t have a valid reason to believe X exists, nor do I have a valid reason to believe it doesn’t.”

(Now when we consider that it’s logically impossible to prove a negative, all Antoines, despite how they might lie to themselves, are in the “I have no valid reason to believe either” camp.)

So until and unless you prove rigging exists, the default is to act completely as if it doesn’t. The burden of proof is ZERO PERCENT on “it’s not rigged” and 100 PERCENT on “it’s rigged.”

What if I tell you life is rigged as well?

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I’d actually find it more believable compared to this thread

I just played a game of Hearthstone and I enjoyed myself.
That’s why I play that game.

Just wanted to notify you.

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It’s always felt rigged. It’s not about how to prove it or not, but does person have high enough EQ and IQ to see it though. Simple as that.

For Blizzard Defence Force - Prove it is not rigged or manipulated!
If players are here 13 yer olds, then pretty much all real life companies try to cut corners and have more profit. Not rigging the game, they gain nothing. But with rigging, they can make their product much better. So where is 10 000 game exel analysis of not rigged gameplay.

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Please stop saying this, it’s an over repeated urban myth. Yes there are classes of negatives which are unprovable, but it’s not a general rule.

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Fine, it’s impossible to prove a universal negative.

Every atom is not helium.

Okay, now prove that.

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You need therapy dude. You’re delusional, and seem to not be able to separate delusions from reality.

Is there any instance of the code that would be proof for you, then? Whatever code blizzard released, you could just claim they took the algorithms out

What? You can use images, just gotta be trust level 3. I posted images here, frequently, other people too.

And even if you cannot, what’s the point? You’re pointing at something unrelated and going “see?! If they can do this, they can do that!” Newsflash man, this is no argument

Do you understand how the burden of proof works?

No need to answer, I know you don’t

What’s up with basic logic in these forums, lmao