People still play this rigged game?

Ok, and? It’s just a game.

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how is it possible that you won 12 games in a row?
The rigged matchmaking would never allow that!

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Yeah it’s totally rigged. Blizzard sends ear pieces to all the Legend players that stream so that they know what card is coming next and what to play as they have someone telling them what to play from head office. This is done to ensure they consistently hit legend each month.

Then creating an unbiased test for this should be extremely easy.

Why is it that:
a. It’s super easy for you and plenty of others to tell that it’s rigged
b. But harder than pulling teeth to get any of you to propose a testable hypothesis

We don’t even get to the proper testing process. I have in my almost 9,000 posts; not once when discussing this subject; actually discussed a single testable hypothesis.

BTW, this isn’t rocket science. Players actually proved improper shuffling in MTG Arena. Why can they do it over at MTG but you can’t?

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The game is not rigged if you are good you will climb it is assimple as that.

So you started playing ranked last night, you were bronze 10, you climbed to diamond/platinum and you started meeting completely different meta…

So surprising…


I wonder if the forum bots pasting the same pastas are even real players or just blizzard posters ? i refuse to believe theres people who cant see the game is rigged

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You dont seem to understand nobody here is talking about " climbing or losing " we are talking about the matchmaking and card draws being algorithmed

I dont think the game is rigged or manipulated i just think the meta is very polarized at the moment that is all and hopefully the new expansion it wil be less.

That’s not proof. That’s simply anecdotal.

Actually, that is EXACTLY what is required to demonstrate proof of your theory.

Actually, that is a THEORY. You’ll have to produce results from a controlled experiment with a large sample size (i.e. 100,000) in order to prove your theory. Once you’ve offered that proof, then you can call it a fact.

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He did explain why it is a BS argument right after writing it.

Anyway:game is rigged. Not every player sees this when playing. Not every player is good at recognizing certain paterns and realizing how likely they are to occur naturally.

When you go to casino and it has been red on the roulette table 20 times in a row (the max recorded i believe is 32 times) then there is 3 types of people.

Type one is the majority of people. They will place their bet on black.
Type two is the minority. They will ignore what happend and make their bet random.
And then there is type 3,the smart people who recognize paterns. They will bet on black because they will asume the table is of in some way.

Now just look at this from a distance and answer this question honestly to yourself.
Which of these people is the most likely to make money on their bet ?

Its not type 2 people. No matter if the table is off or not they stand to lose 2.7% of their bet on average when the wheel rolls a zero.

What about type 1 people?. If the table is off in some way then it is obviously biased towards black and these people stand to lose way over 2.7% on average. If the table is completely random and not off in some way then these people are back in the middle losing 2.7% on average.

The type 3 people are the most likely to make money. They are at loosing 2.7% if the table is not off and they are most likely to win if the table is indeed off. (which is always a theoretical possibility no matter how small).

So the sensible position to take when facing a rather unlikely sequence of events is indeed to asume that the events are rigged in some way. Most of the time it wont be and it wont matter at all. And sometimes (even if very rarely) the rng is indeed not completely random with appropiate odds for every event , they will come out ahead.

But as said,not everyone pays attention to paterns. Some people somehow simply forget that it has been red twenty times in a row or they dont even see it. Some rng events are more complicated and less obvious then simply red or black.

So ya,from an evolutionary point of vieuw and even from a scientific point of vieuw going by all possibilitys:the sensible position to take when facing a rather unlikely sequence of events repeatedly and consistently is to asume the game is rigged.


It’s not a BS explanation. If you’re not able to demonstrate the existence of something, then no-one will believe you.

So we’re all waiting for your proof. Tbh we’ve been waiting since 2014. Starting to be a bit long.

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First of all, :man_facepalming:. This has got to be one of the silliest arguments from the conspiracy crowd.

Secondly, feel free to use your wild, unproven theories when gambling in a casino. But I dare you go ahead and start publicly claiming that the roulette tables at Caesar’s Palace are rigged because that one night you claim you saw 20 reds in a row. See how that works out for you.

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Well it’s obvious to him, how could he be wrong after all ?

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You truly have no understanding of science.

The scientific method is not to assume rigging.

It’s to propose a hypothesis and test it.

And ask for other people to point out what you did wrong. AND ADMIT WHERE YOU WERE WRONG.

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That’s what all those people have in common. A blatant lack of knowledge about scientific method.


You can’t convince these people of the things right in front of them. They are stubborn and proud. Their beloved overlords would never do anything nefarious, like crawl around from cubicle to cubicle berating women.

Yes you can. With proofs. Still waiting.

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The proof has been given. You just refuse to accept it.

Quote required.

If you imply the moment where someone said he switched deck into a bad match up, this is called an anectode, not a proof.

But let’s tell it straight to you. If you haven’t the intellectual ressource to make the difference between a personal story and a proof, you will never be able to proove anything. Not against you though, proving that kind of thing requires big brains, really big brains, which, of course, you and the people sharing your point of view don’t have.

But it’s cool, everytime you seem to think you have proved something, you just show everyone how dumb you are, and the credibility you have lowers even more, so … go on. Keep showing everyone how dumb you are, it’s very amusing for everyone to watch you trying.

Just like we watch people trying to tell us that the earth is flat because they see no curve with their tiny eyes. So … keep going, please, never stop, we really lack those moments, when the earth tells us “you see, you’re not that dumb, people are thinking Hearthstone is rigged because they queued a control warrior”