Pauper Twist in February

For example: Is it even possible to save Twist - #47 by SparkyElf-2852 (the particular post linked because of references to some external reviews, mostly covering the subject, not due to narcissism; the whole topic, though, is noteworthy and qualifies, in my view, so I dunno whether I’d want to start a new one).

Sure about that? They say it’s more of a ‘Tempo’ warrior, probably aimed at slower decks — even more value-oriented Dragon Warrior, perhaps?

Most of those I’ve encountered are more about the Grave Rune (no idea what a ‘Wasteland Priest’ is supposed to mean — maybe it was a thing when I wasn’t playing the game at all) with either the 8-mana package (including cheating it out) or the Damaged Stegotron.

Played a bit of Dragon Priest myself, though — the class has some decent answers to annoying Druids in particular.

It’s usually not a big challenge, especially with bonus stars. Above that (about D4-D3), though, it’s been particularly bad with the rigging this season so far (I mean, compared to other card games, it’s been notoriuosly rigged since some point, but recently, the ‘kayfabe’ pretense has seemed particularly thin), so I dunno — don’t play Standard, but I’d assume that’s just the way the game (traditional HS in general, that is) is nowadays, especially considering the resurgence of topics about it (or perhaps they have been there all the time? I don’t visit forums that much anymore).

Good luck getting the most clownish card of the season (the 3 mana 4-3; also a prime example of bad game design, namely so-called ‘hate cards’) against something like a spam Druid. :grinning: I suppose that’s what they call karma.

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