Patchwerk is theotar all over again

Ridiculous, single card “win the game” choice that automatically goes into any control deck ever and completely negates blood DK’s weakness to combo. The fact that you can run this in combination with mutanus and theotar makes it almost impossible for you to EVER lose to combo with this deck.

Combo players deserve a shot to play the game too. Control players whine about “interactivity” when a deck punishes their passive playstyle, then throw their hands in the air and celebrate cards like theotar and patchwerk which are the antithesis of interactivity. Your opponent has absolutely no counterplay, even cards in your deck are not safe. There is nothing you can do to protect these minions or get them back. This is NOT what interactivity looks like.


it feels like a powercrept Mutanus, and Mutanus is still good


Let me get this right. You are complaining about a card that was SPECIFICALLY designed to punish combo and control players? The card has no play against Aggro, Tempo and value but it’s bad because it beats up the decks it was designed to?


it literally casts a free deadly shot and potentially removes threats from their hand, that is always valuable including against aggro, tempo, and value decks.


And yet…

Blood DK loses to ramp druid (badly), spark hunter (badly), fel DH, and rogue!

Patchwerk isn’t doing anything to stop any of those combos.


That’s the most eloquent way I’ve ever heard someone say “I just lost to patchwork”


ramp druid is just a deck that can slot in massive finisher potential, and even without that it has ways to win. its not really a combo deck, its a deck that includes combos. Spark hunter is literally based around duplicating a single minion, so its not surprising it isnt too worried about patchwerk (though hitting brann is really bad)

Patchwerk isn’t killing Ramp Armor Druid for the same reason me playing 6 plaguespreaders, Theo, Voljin and Mutanus doesn’t kill Ramp Armor Druid:

They have something like 10 combo pieces and they can win with 6 of them gone. They literally do not care about disruption.

Plus, they will get their combo off by turn 7 or 8. Chances of you drawing and playing Theo/Mutanus/Voljin by then doesn’t do squat.

In fact, you can put Theo back to 4 and it still would do nothing against Druid.

And Druid now has little problem with aggro.


i do not play ramp druid. My favorite combo deck is charge warrior which struggles a lot with blood dk and when thats 40% of the ladder its not fun.

Which they can make duplicates of…

so somehow someone found a way to manipulate what it hits like theotar discovers or what

at least the mutanos comparison seems more accurate

Somebody’s patchwerk killed my denathrius earlier today right when I had enough infuse on it to win and it made me so mad lol

I think it’s fine though. At least it’s better than having it stolen

So you play uninteractive kill from hand with no board or way to respond

Patchwerk should go to 4 mana so you can complain about Brann the actual problem with the game.

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Wish patchwerk could nuke guff out. Single win the game card? Hardly. If anything it should be 6 mana 3/5 and bumped to epic so i can run 2 and have a shot at beating druid before they nuke you from orbit.

Disruptive tools for control decks? It’s only taken 10 years :joy::joy:

The card by itself is FINE.

The problem is the current Blood DK runs…Patchwerk…Mutanus…Bran…and Theotar…

I think it’s safe to say we DID NOT need more disruption like this in one year because it’s simply frustrating to play against. And we all know that SOMEHOW targets are usually the good cards.

There’s nothing wrong with combo counter…but having 3-4 potential win conditions simply deleted from your deck by if not 1 then 3 other cards is simply not ok.

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Watch this card not have any impact whatsoever on how much combo is on the ladder :joy:

Patchwerk, Zola, Theotar and Mutanus all being usable in Blood DK on top of it’s ability to stall the game out is obnoxious.

How are you supposed to build up any pressure with no hand?

I wish there was some mechanic that kept Denathrius and Theotar from being in the same deck tbh.

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How’s patchwerk the new theotar and not mutanus ?!

It’s such an awful comparison.