Patchwerk is theotar all over again

Patchwerk is way to slow for wide boards. Honestly I barely had trouble with battling DK’s in general.

I personally find Frost DK’s much more problematic.

specificly designed for 1 class…

True. Although i don’t think that really matters with all the disruption currently in the game. Theotar is still a better and faster card overall.

Actually, cards like Patchwerk are the very definition of interactivity. What is the antithesis to interactivity is the inability to deal with cards in your opponent’s deck and hand.

The real problem is that Hearthstone lacks recursion abilities (other than re-playing already played cards such as reviving killed minions). Cards that return discarded cards back to the hand and stuff like that would help a lot.

It’s pretty simple. They print broken cards so that dumber players can win more easily. The more broken the cards are, the easier it is for the masses to use them , thus the more money Blizzard makes. They will continue to print broken nonsensical cards, because Blizzard likes money and doesn’t care about your feelings.

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Hearthstone developers are not capable of understanding interactions like this. They print a shiny card because it’s cool, and are either too stupid or just really entertained by the fact that it ruins gameplay. I honestly don’t think the devs give a sh&t about gameplay in any way, as long as they print cards that sell packs.

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Comparisons or not I think Patchwerk is just an annoying and lazy card.

Sure one Patchwerk isnt always the end of the world but every DK runs Mutanas and Theotar by the end of the game its the most obnoxious thing.

In combo with their 8+ heal spells most games against DKs are drawn out until they can play all those cards.

I know everyone is saying “cry more” and “just play aggro or ramp” but who the hell wants to only play those two decktypes?

In standard I probably beat DKs 60% of the time but in duels I win maybe 20% of my encounters because the levels of cheese they receive are earth shattering.

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I usually play a blood DK, and I can tell you that patchwerk is…not as great as you’re making it out to be.

Don’t get me wrong, It’s good. I run it in my deck, because it’s just about the only defense I have against things like quest priest or big guff. The thing is that it’s a 7 mana card. And it’s completely random. I’m just as likely to hit a 1-cost minion as I am Denathrius, 50% of the time it doesn’t have an effect on the match.

Most of the time I’ve got other things to worry about. Unlike druid or rogues with their hand disruption effects, I can’t make it cost less than 7. If there’s more than one mob on the other side of the table, I’ve got an extremely low chance of it taking out something that actually matters, as it usually chooses a 2/1 whelp or something like that. Also, if I’m facing a mage or rogue, all they have to do is lay down “OBJECTION” and it’s useless, and I’d be shooting myself in the foot for 7 mana if I tried playing it. At least with patchwerk you don’t have to pay mana for the card you just lost.

Also, what do you mean 8+ heal spells? There’s vampiric embrace, deathstrike, and blood boil. That’s 3 spells. Vampiric embrace requires corpses, so it has a cost beyond mana as well. Deathstrike only targets minions, which with today’s exodia meta is very limiting, and bloodboil is pretty easy to play around. We can also lifesteal with corrupted ashbringer and gnome muncher, but those are a weapon and minion respectively, which have counters.

Right now Blood is in a bad spot because unless we get lucky with our healing draws, we lose BADLY, as we just don’t have the same mana economy of other classes.