Patch notes out. Yogg changes

Because he is the hammer…


It’s not just “good”. It has one of the highest play rates for neutral cards. It surpasses the rate played by previous neutrals that have gotten nerfed at this point at minimum once.

Right now in wild the top tier decks are miracle rogue and questline druid so i am really happy about the yog nerfs.

Probably yogg wild still find its place in bigpriest and bigshaman who can still cheat em out, in case those 2 random spells are worth it.

Yes, those cards did not start in your deck.

What does the new yogg ability do, I don’t get it, is it active in with yogg is in your hand or only the battlefield?

I haven’t played in a while so the jailer and Tony bans are totally new to me, and now the nerfs, wow, they basically just deleted those cards, beyond nuking from orbit, they should just remove the cards completely from the pool.

I personally think we need more end game plays like Tony and jailer combo specifically to keep greed decks like priest in check, but if y’all want 40 card greed priest and greed DK dominating with no answer then that’s exactly what you will get.

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I’m no wild expert, but from what I recall, the default top wild deck is the shudderwock shaman which is a god awful deck to play against. If these nerfs reset the meta back to this default that would be awful.

Shudderwock is fell apart due to the murloc nerfs, vs aggro board removal is way to late now.

On tempostorm its listed tier3. Miracle Rogue and QDruid run the toptier show due to Yogg.

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zillax had high playrate and they never nerfed it

no idea why do you think all high playrate cards should be nerfed

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Tony had a cool concept, they just had to stop the deck deletion, something like: “Both players draw from each other’s decks. Finale: Both players draw two cards.”

I didn’t love Jailer but I believe every card should be viable. Right now there’s no reason to play him.

Yogg had a fine rework, not the most exciting one but I’ll be playing him over his prison in my plague DK deck.

Yet again another late game win condition takes the blame for druid’s sins. Ramp as a mechanic is just bad.

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Every time you use one of his three abilities, he will cast two random spells at random targets.

This is like the Molten Giant nerf. They simply want the card not to be played. However, seeing as The Jailer represents the expansion of WoW that butchered past story lines and spit on them (Arthas), I’m okay with this.

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couldn’t find the annoucment

Because in todays HS that is what is tracked for cards. Also Zilliax was not a busted card that warped the meta. Hell, it doesn’t even see play now that it is in the core set. If a card like say Astalor was in standard when Zilliax was released it would have seen multiple changes.

I beg to differ.

What stopped ziliax nerf was simply a bunch of idiots talking about how his awful design is supposed to be the best thing ever just because it does not hit face.

I really hope those people have had gone from the game by now because some of the worst BS we passed by in hearthstone history is exclusively fault of that group.

That and giggling inventor being even dumber.

Jailer will never see play again right? Easy dust?

You’ll get a full refund once the nerf is live so if you want to craft it again, you won’t lose anything.

I never really disenchant anything unless its duplicates or nerfed golden or the card is so bad it will never see play in any deck ever again. The jailer nerf is so bad i cannot see it being played in any deck ever again.

The only thing that gives me pause is that in the patch notes the devs say the cards are being put on “probation” (probation usually doesn’t mean permanent) and that they will keep an eye on these cards. Makes me feel that they may re-evaluate them in the near future.

I may wait till the end of the two week window to make a decision.

They posted the patch notes in the Community Forum:

If you read the patch notes, there are also a bunch of comments from the designers about why they’re making the changes they’re making.

I am going to dust Jailer for Siff.

Rogue had viable board clears after like 6 years later and they were not even class cards. than they get nerfed right away because the deck becomes alittle bit popular.