Patch notes out. Yogg changes

Embrace of Nature

  • Old: [1 Mana]
  • New: [2 Mana]


  • Old: [1 Mana]
  • New: [2 Mana]

Prison Breaker

  • Old: Battlecry: If you’ve cast 5 or more spells this game, deal 3 damage to all enemies.
  • New: Battlecry: If you’ve cast 5 or more spells this game, deal 2 damage to all enemies.

Yogg-Saron, Unleashed

  • Old: [15 Mana] Costs (1) less for each spell you’ve cast this game.
  • New: [9 Mana] After you use an ability, cast 2 random spells.

Tony, King of Piracy

  • Old: [5 Mana] Both players’ decks are swapped. Finale: Draw a card.
  • New: [7 Mana] Battlecry: Replace your deck with a copy of your opponent’s. Finale: Draw a card.
  • Tony is also now Unbanned in Wild.

The Jailer

  • Old: Battlecry: Destroy your deck. For the rest of the game, your minions are Immune.
  • New: Battlecry: Destroy your deck. This minion gains Immune.
  • The Jailer is also now Unbanned in Standard and Wild.

Ranked Anomaly Updates

The following Anomalies have been removed from the Anomaly Pool:

  • Driven to Greed: Whenever a player ends their turn with unspent Mana, they get a Coin.
  • Army of the Corrupted: The first minion played on each player’s turns costs (1) less.
  • Spread the Corruption: The first spell played on each player’s turns costs (1) less.

I’m looking at Tony with Mysterious Visitor and Harvester of Envy :eyes:


Disagree on Rake, strongly agree on Prison Breaker. Overall mild agreement.

Great changes all around. I was prepared to be very dissapointed with the druid changes, but I am not. The two adjustments are fair and don’t hinder core ramp cards unnecessarily.

Prison Breaker seems pretty bad now. Yogg is probably only worth running in control decks. Rogue is basically dead until the next expansion. Maybe thief rogue can try to do something with reworked Tony, but I doubt it.

The Jailer nerf seems a bit unnecessarily harsh. It could at least give immune to all friendly minions just once. For 10-mana and destroying your deck it just seems fair. The Tony change is great, love the new effect, although it is a bit expensive.

Well done devs. About 3 weeks late, but well done


Are anomalies permanent now? I was hoping they would be gone soon, at least from standard.


Well, they went the way of that Priest Legendary with Tony and killed it.

The Rake change is too untargeted. This will hurt all other competing Druid decks as well as the overpowered one. It may still be worth running in some, but encouraging other kinds of Druid decks shouldn’t be directly squashed.

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They will be here as long as the new Cho’gall is in Standard. So, April 2025 it will rotate out.

Happy to see any and all 1 mana spells become 2 mana for druid. They kept getting a cost reduction of 1 to make them all cost 0. Making druid spend mana instead of mass casting 0 costs is extremely important to their balance.

Yogg nerf affects non-druids more than druid. Yes, Druid got it off for 0 mana easy, but they have the mana to cast it early anyway. Especially nerfs rogues.

The purpose of the card is still there. It needed toning down.

No matter what they did, it was going to affect other decks more than Druid just because they wouldn’t be able to use it. On the other hand, the speed Druid discounted it…maybe it did affect it the most, eh? 9 to board wipe is still useful, but now they can’t pressure so much that turn. No matter, it’s still going to be a positive…but…more RNG now…still frustrating.

It’s also a lot stronger in minion based decks now. Plague DK, for example, can now actually run it.

I’m just glad no one is playing them for free anymore. That was just dumb.

Jailer nerf seems a bit overdone. Giving your current board immune would have been OK… then again, druid combos… but still, probably still ok.

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Oh my god, these cards have been killed

Yogg, Tony, Jailer, all complete junk and unplayable.


Ignis dodged all nerfs? Wow.


RIP Tony Warrior, I think I won a single game with you ever. Tony won’t be missed.

LOL at the Jailer nerf, Warsong Commander has a buddy now.

And Yogg is now doing what Yogg should be doing: shenanigans. It’s still good enough to play, though, and can’t be abused for 0 mana. A 9-mana enemy board wipe or a 9-mana Mind Control with a body attached is still quite good.

Note that Tony is “replace” and not “add” like Benedictus was. Get Steamcleaner-ed, yo.


Embrace of Nature and Rake changes are completely unneccessary after changing Yogg and Prison Breaker.

I wish the Yogg change would have been:

  • Mindcontrol changed to summon a copy of an opponent’s minion and give it rush.

This is weaker than straight up mind control because not every minion can trade 1:1 with itself. It’s also like the DarkmoonFaire Yoggs rush effect flavorwise while still being unique. It also stays along the theme of single target removal for the ability.

  • The Mass Hysteria ability should have been nerfed to the basic 4 mana Priest/Warlock Hysteria that chooses a single minion to attack things until it dies. Strong AOE in Druid/Rogue is a sin as we have seen with Kazakusan or 7 mana Scabbs Hero Card.

This new 9 mana Yogg is going to be straight garbage because it’s too expensive.

Prison Breaker nerf is fine. It becomes a respectable niche card for weak homebrews.

Tonys effect change is fine and looks like it’s also fun.

Oh. Wait. Steam Cleaner Exists. :roll_eyes: People will play 5 mana Steam Cleaner over 7 mana Tony.

The Jailer change deletes the card. Jailer Druid/Paladin were ok to play against, but I won’t miss them at all.

This all kills Miracle Druid and the only deck I like to play right now Fire Druid.

The Meta is just going to devolve to Renathal Rat Priest and I-hope-i-draw-Infinitize-the-Maxitude Mage. Woowaow. Unplayably boring.


at least we dont have to worry about

killing everything we play while imnune


why were you expecting them to rotate chogall this early ?

Druid will still be strong, hunter will still be top.
Warrior will come back more…

Ignis dodged sucks.

All of the changes are welcomed.

I’m especially pleased with the Yogg, Tony, and Jailer (to an extent) changes.

Those 3 cards NEEDED functionality changes.

The Yogg one makes total sense for Yogg, AND you still get access to the other abilities for 9 mana. Completely fair.

Tony change is interesting and can now fit into a lot of other decks that normally wouldn’t run him. Decks that chew through their entire deck fast, for example. But, more importantly, now he’s a complete monster of a tech card. Kills Plague, crushes Mill decks in Wild like Jade Druid and Rogue. I love it. Now if Druid wants to play a mill deck, you can actually tech against it and copy the same BS they are running.

Jailer change is bad though. Giving just the Jailer immune seems really bad. Should have been destroy the top 5 cards in your deck instead, not your entire deck.


Druid is nuked.

Other than that nothing too different.

I can’t say the nerfs aren’t correct and the cards aren’t strong as heck but at same time there is no way those nerfs did not go too far.

The only real issue is the lack of hunter nerfs. With rogue and druid dethroned, hunter is going to keep its top spot and continue being too much face damage for many decks to handle.