Patch notes out. Yogg changes


Back to the “waiting for next expansion” waiting room.

I ain’t touching Standard.

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Miracle Rogue is also nuked, arcane hunter is also significantly weakened.

Any spell-based deck that abused those 2 neutrals got what they deserved.


Another set of good neutrals butchered on the altar of mana cheating and bounce tools.

Prison breaker should have gotten a cost reduction. Yogg is pretty bad now, and Tony sucks. 2 mor mana for a worse effect?

These seem like overkill except the yogg one (needed to be done).

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It’s now a completely different super tech card and a lifesaver for decks that depletes their library quickly.

This card is gonna be crazy in wild.

Just wonder if steam cleaner works on the copy?

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Maybe I’m wrong but IMHO, those decks would rather have a 5 mana must kill than a bunch of extra cards that probably won’t help close out a game.

I don’t understand why they needed to do this if they were also nerfing Jailor. Was there something else I missed?

Harsh changes, but necessary. Jailer and Tony were two completely unhealthy cards that shouldn’t have been printed the way they were.
Prison Breaker and Yogg changes both needed to happen. Too many classes could abuse them and there was very, very little drawback for running them.

With Druid gone, Warrior can come back, right? Wasn’t that a tough matchup for Hunter?

Look at me

How does this card keep escaping the Nerf Hammer???

Imma be the odd man out and say miracle and secret rogue may come out unscathed and even better. Yogg wasnt the thing that made those matchups unwinnable, it was gravedigger. Being midgame and watching them pop off with their location as they repeatedly send any card you had that could deal with it back into your deck is backbreaking.

Quick edit: it may feel like yogg was the issue cause itd steal or kill your hail mary, but it waa gravedigger that got you to that point.

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I am not really sure if these changes even do that much to stop the druid still otking you with their Ignis windfury weapon. I guess they are bit more vulnerable against aggro decks now with prison breaker and yogg being weaker.

does that deck run prison breaker and yogg ?

being good card doesnt mean it has to be nerfed

Got what was coming to them! Greed Druid dies and another greed Druid will rise up. The greediest class to exist in the game.,

Because he is the hammer…


It’s not just “good”. It has one of the highest play rates for neutral cards. It surpasses the rate played by previous neutrals that have gotten nerfed at this point at minimum once.

Right now in wild the top tier decks are miracle rogue and questline druid so i am really happy about the yog nerfs.

Probably yogg wild still find its place in bigpriest and bigshaman who can still cheat em out, in case those 2 random spells are worth it.

Yes, those cards did not start in your deck.

What does the new yogg ability do, I don’t get it, is it active in with yogg is in your hand or only the battlefield?

I haven’t played in a while so the jailer and Tony bans are totally new to me, and now the nerfs, wow, they basically just deleted those cards, beyond nuking from orbit, they should just remove the cards completely from the pool.

I personally think we need more end game plays like Tony and jailer combo specifically to keep greed decks like priest in check, but if y’all want 40 card greed priest and greed DK dominating with no answer then that’s exactly what you will get.

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I’m no wild expert, but from what I recall, the default top wild deck is the shudderwock shaman which is a god awful deck to play against. If these nerfs reset the meta back to this default that would be awful.

Shudderwock is fell apart due to the murloc nerfs, vs aggro board removal is way to late now.

On tempostorm its listed tier3. Miracle Rogue and QDruid run the toptier show due to Yogg.

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