Patch notes enjoy

economics stuffs

The first clause of that sentence is an exaggeration (“absolute lock” is too strong a term) and thus the second clause is false.

I mean, consider what you can do, right now, for your neighbor, and what they could do for you. Or what you could do for yourself. You could plant a garden and grow your own vegetables. You and your neighbor could perform services for each other. These might be limited, but it’s disproof of an “absolute lock.” It’s not like they send you to jail for mowing someone else’s lawn without a license.

That said, the consolidation of real estate into fewer hands does represent growing — not absolute, growing — control over things like who can and can’t engage in agriculture. Many such cases in other industries as well. Absolute locks basically don’t ever happen IRL, because black markets, but we don’t want to get anywhere near the point where Americans are routinely relying on black market services to circumvent oligopolistic business practices. That’s why we have anti-trust law, and we need government that is unafraid to use it, and principled enough not to abuse it. I leave it to the reader to decide where that particular point of “enough but not too much” is located.

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The concierge nerf won’t be enough I think, not until they can’t be reduced to 0.


I wasn’t talking about the Russian reversal specifically, which I knew about so you don’t have to act like you need to teach me. I was just talking about the overall meme that capitalist and communists love to bicker with one another. Humor isn’t just limited that one joke.

Here’s an old example. An American gloats that in America, he can shout “F the American president” in America and get away with it, and the Soviet be in USSR, he can also shout “F the American president” and get away with it.

I was joking. You and Schyla might not have noticed, but you don’t speak for everyone… unless you think like a Soviet who acts like you speak for everyone? :joy:

Oh, and by accusing me of not joking, you’re just admitting that you’re the one who reacted to the word “capitalist” as opposed your whole spiel about me reacting to the word “Soviet”. Again, you called me tankie, which I don’t know about you, is not a joke. It’s just an insult.

Now that’s a funny joke.

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I think that’s why they very specifically mentioned that this will be monitored.

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The difference is yours wasn’t funny, and you’re making the thread less funny with every post.


It clearly was a joke. It was in the form of “ok boomer.”

As with “ok boomer,” I’d imagine that would be more up to you than it’s up to me.

I disagree. I say we’re equally funny. But he’s the only one going with labels and names.

Don’t blame me. I started trying to keep things funny. Even if you don’t me funny, to borrow from Mall, nobody is making you read my posts.

Scrotie turned it to be about me and him, which I admit is less funny. One guy’s attacking the other guy and the other guy dares to defend himself and not just take it? And that’s not funny? Sorry you feel that way.

Ok boomer is hardly a joke. If it was a joke, it’s not a very good one.

wikipedia. org/wiki/Ok_boomer

The phrase is just mostly a retort to mock, and to paraphrase wiki, a marker for intergeneration conflict. Not gonna bother going down the list of political topics wiki lists since unlike you, I ain’t gonna type out spiels about politics.

But apparently it’s funnier to say that I’m the one being political.

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Scrottie, if you dont understand what im talking about pls refrain from replying to my posts.
When i said dehumanization i wasnt talking about economics, which frankly is damn boring to read, even if its right. I was talking about perspective about the human condition, which can be seen in corporate attitude about customers, or governments attitude about people. Basically, the more money you get, the less you fear the consequences of your actions, which is why the bigger the corporation, the bigger the dehumanization ( Guess who bought Blizzard and is the 3rd largest corporation in the world ).

On topic, the nerfs look like complete crap, and i would really like to see some dev actually replying somewhere and give some reasoning to those changes. They have all the data, either they are reading it wrong or player’s perspective contradicts their bussiness model.

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Doesn’t really change my previous argument, at all. This was a core problem under feudalism, it’s not like that is in any way unique to capitalism.

When a new socioeconomic order fails to (fully) correct a problem in the old socioeconomic order, that doesn’t make the new socioeconomic order the source of the problem. You need to contrast capitalism to that which preceded it to determine its unique flaws. Many problems are far older and run far deeper than capitalism.

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Awful changes. It doesn’t make the meta worse, but it doesn’t make it better, either. Aggro will have ONE more turn to beat the OTK decks, and Warriors no longer exist. Thing is, warriors weren’t hating other decks out of format, it was the OTK decks/pally doing that.


We had a good run Control bros

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No, you’re turning a harmless comment about making a card stronger by making it cost more into an actual socioeconomic debate, which isn’t funny at all.

Just. Stop.


I always find political discussions among US nationals very amusing, especially those involving the concepts ‘socialism’, ‘capitalism’ and ‘soviet’. But I think we can all agree there’s no need to do this on a thread that discusses balance changes.

On that note, I am absolutely broken after playing some games post-patch. There’s literally nothing I remotely want to play and every single rogue deck, including excavate, has been destroyed. Most of the things I see in ladder are mostly the same stuff as before or things from the previous meta. Less warriors, druids and elementals; a lot of palas and shamans. I guess it’s time to go back to BGs

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Warrior has been deleted. They have been nerfing all the good cards they had. From very good to very bad. That’s why we were forced to play only Zilliax.

Now, every type of warrior archetype is unplayable because all good cards have been nerfed.

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It was about time, eh xD

I suspect it’s not even gonna be true for a long time

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Sure, until people figure out that reviving other taunts over and over and over again alongside a Zilliax is still plenty playable.

I changed 1 card in the Zilliax deck and went 5-1 with it earlier. There’s still something playable there, it just won’t be “rush Zilliax out by turn 5 and auto win half your matchups”


Yup. I ran into 2 warriors who just changed a card with the mech taunt and I still exploded.

The thing that really still kills me as DK and Shaman is Boomboss. It just deletes too many things.

And all other players were Shaman. Saw someone playing a faster evolve deck now and it hit hard.


I’m so torn on the Tsunami change. It was an amazing card at 8 tutoring it with Watercolor. I’m not sure the extra minion is worth the wait now to play that line. I guess they just want it to be a BSM card only. It’s kind of a hit to Mage who could tutor it on 4 on curve and get it down faster fighting for the board.

Time to go experiment with the card and see if it really is a buff.

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Utter nonsense. Maybe you have me confused with Scrotie

My original comment - the joke - is dad joke level harmless. I just point out the things (capitalists) businesses do. It wasn’t directed at any individual. I joked about Bliz/Activision and their game being greedy, which is quite common here.

Scrotie was the one who made things personal by responding to my joke with a personal shot as a tankie, and that’s when things stop being funny and gets less and less funny the more he (not me) went on to respond to other people about socioeconomics.

Me stop? I didn’t even start dude. After my first joke, I’m only responding because he (and you) keep poking me.

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I forgot why I came up with the deck, but I just beat one taunt warrior who did more than change a card (he threw in the lifesteal demon taunt that discounts from weapons), and the result was actually worse. He probably wasn’t playing the best either.

…though that might have been because I was a priest doing silly greed priest things.

I managed to start off with double incidius, and then he somehow couldn’t/didn’t kill off at least one copy (me stealing a copy of his unkilliax and his boom helped lolololol).

Funny thing is, I only drew like 4 eruptions, but the last two on the lethal turn hit for 9 each, clearing his taunts for me to hit face :joy:

Oh and I played like 3 Marins in the game :joy: