note, concierge up one mana
Hey look! Rogue ate a nerf for BOTH its decks! And the single buff it took is so minor it’s actually hilarious. Holy…
Edit: in case someone wonders what I mean, the zilliax nerf hits defensive perfect module a lot (basically deletes it) so now excavate rogue probably has to cut zilliax and with that, one of its only consistent recovery tools
Ok i did not see this coming lmao.
And is this a Buff???
A card going up 2 mana and calling it a buff is wild.
It kinda is a buff for Big Spell mage and greedy spell mage and a nerf for druids. Which seems fine tbh. It won’t really matter tho.
- Be blizzard
- Nerf only solid mage deck
- “Buff” a single card in am archetype that has too little synergy to function by raising it’s cost
- Paladin still tier 1, LMAO
Edit: forgot the “buff”
Im sorry but this is not a “buff” a card going up 2 mana in cost is a NERF.
And they are free to do so but give people a dust refund.
We just need to look at the mana nerfs above to see the pattern, cards get an increase in mana get more stats but its still a NERF…
Hmm, I nailed many of the predictions, but I didn’t see that Tsunami change coming.
Is there a reason for that specific change? Does this really affect BSM at all since they are casting it for 5 or free anyway?
It’s really to nerf Druid, right?
Now you get a 10 mana minion if your 6 mana spell lands on it?
This is my guess. Like it’s ONLY a BSM buff but a nerf to anything else.
It’s also a 10 mana spell now so tentacles and Shudderblock Shaman are back, right? That’s scary.
I mean now it summons 4 elementals instead of 3. Also tentacles, BSM sinergy, fills the 10 mana slot in the orb. I think it’s a buff to mage and a nerf to druid.
It barely registers as a buff because BSM has exactly… 2 ways to cheat it. 3 cards in the deck.
It’s fundamentally bad as an archetype because you’re filling your deck with big cost spells and your only ways of cheating them out is King Tide and Octosurfer (or whatever it’s called).
The archetype wants you to play a spell for 6,7,8,9 mana, and now the 8 mana slot is only available through Yogg in the Box which means you can’t cheat spells, at all. It’s almost anti-synergistic
Tendril warrior/shaman has direct damage again.
The chia drake nerf is more impactful than concierge. Oh no, the infinite 0 cost spells now cost 1 more total!
Lamplighter can still be infinite chained by rogue
Ticking Zilliax is definitely worse now.
Hopefully mass rez warrior is weak enough to go away.
The buffs were mostly meh.
Again this has nothing to do with Mage, i must be going blind because i see a blue border on the card Tsunami.
Again NERF the card for all i care, but i want my dust.
I have 2 golden copies of that card i will happily trade for 2 legendaries.
Oh, I agree that it has nothing to do with mage.
At least it kept a unique slot in projection orb, but I struggle to see this card being “better” in any real way. At best it’s a side grade.
The classes benefitting aren’t mage.
I’d love to meet the genius who made Tsunami cost 10 mana and shake his hand.
This is groundbreaking in the realm of idiotic changes, let alone “buffs.”
I hope so. Though summoning 4 minions with Tsuanami doesn’t give much space to play more tentacles, and multiple copies of Tsunami don’t really do anything anyway unless the elementals die after attacking
I have to wonder about these changes… gilly could be a 1 mana 1/2 and it still isnt that great… I mean its pretty much a slightly improved starving buzzard that doesnt draw a card.
I know its probably difficult to go back and reprogram these cards but some of them need it (although they did change the rogue card)… They just seem lazy with card changes. Slap a new mana cost and wait and see but leave what makes all these cards busted (or too weak) alone.
I guess to explain further lamplighter was being bounced a million times by rogue into sonya… still can with the mini guy
Concierge doesnt matter at 4 mana… it mattered you could play a million generated 1 cost mage cards for free… still can
Chia drakes power was in tutoring all the aformentioned mage cards quickly and it still can
Ryecleaver is just a stat cheat that was entirely RNG based… and still is… and still gets cleared by a single threads of dispair.
Natures talent wasnt being held back by only 1 cost reduction… it was random cards and being a do nothing 3 mana card
Tsunami is a huge nerf… not only is there now no 8 cost card (outside of yogg) in the 10 mana spell pool… but you lose the stabilization factor and you have to wait an extra turn to cast tsunami to put it in the 10 mana arcane spell pool which is a huge nerf to a deck that needs to do things quickly because the game moves quickly
Just lazy changes in my opinion.
It’s a massive buff to tendril shaman and tendril warrior. they just replaced sunset volley with something even better. A LOT better actually.
The only thing it needed was “but not less than (1)”
Why didn’t it get it?
Because it is a very dumb change.
Kill almost everything that can try the card to stop one single deck.
If they really want druid nerfed just adjust the drink directly even with some extra damage so it can’t be played 6 times in a turn.