Patch 24.6 Preview!

did anyone get their packs?
I linked my twitch and, drops didn’t seem to be enabled on the stream…

No, they lied, no packs were awarded. Better luck next time


“Entry to this Battle Bash can be purchased for money or 1000 Runestones, and players will immediately get two Bashes with purchase.”

How is this even a choice, when Runestones cost money anyway? This boils down to “Entry to this Battle Bash can be purchased for money or money with extra steps.” It’s the same amount of money, there is no real choice. The only true choice is to buy it or to leave it. I’ll do the latter. Not only because this borders on dishonesty and manipulation, but also because it’s not worth it, since even with the bought pack you have to gamble to get into the top positions to earn the unlocked rewards and even then you only have a limited time to do so. It might not be too hard to get into the top position, even without buying more hero slots, but… It’s so sad to see how horrible Blizz has become, which is reflected by all their games lately.