Patch 21.3 coming tuesday

According to Alec Dawson :

5 Nerfs (Warlock, Shaman, DH)
1 Redesign (Priest)
1 Ban (Warlock)
7 Buffs (Hunter, Mage, Warrior)

Nerfs looking to slow things down further. Buffs looking at recent archetypes that didn’t hit as well as we want, mix of light + medium changes.

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i thought theyll ban crystalizer

Crystallizer isn’t a Warlock card.


There’s no real point in banning Crystalizer since it’s already Wild-only. Banning the card would be essentially the same as deleting it, since there’s no other format to use it in. If they don’t want Crystalizer to work as it is now, it would be more logical to just straight up nerf it.

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another ban caught me be surprise and didnt even stop to think about that

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Hurray! I cannot wait for these changes! Will traditional control be viable again?!


No. Stop give they fake hopes.

But It is Very easy to smell a Tony buff here.
The actual one is so bad that fire mage is better not running it.

If It Goes to 7 gonna be good.

And for the love of the god not buff hero Power or grand finale mage.
One Just not gonna work and the other would be re nerf as soon as it gets viable.

Don’t be a downer debbie. You never know! Sounds like a lot of nerfs, don’t it?

They’re not nerfing Quest mage.

Not that It needs nerfs but considering How much people is Just addicted to playing it…

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I’m in higher Platinum and haven’t been seeing many.

all the battleground changes got datamined, i wont be posting it cause, yeah

People wanting to climb not wanna play coin Flip simulador.

It is even why i call Quest mage players gambling addicts.

All RNG the deck not has in card generation It has in draw dependance and matchup polarization.

If anything It is probably the easiest deck to play team 5 done in years.

Actually this meta is so dumbed down the shadow Priest is the most dificult deck to play literally because It not has refuel capacity like a insane amount of decks nowadays.


Do you have HSReplay by chance premium?

Edit: I wanna know how the win-rate of questline mage changes as you go higher in rank?

No. I actually go for VS mostly and sometimes for info i get from others posting HSR Premium data.

Something i really should be pointing out in this specific metagame is that player agency got down in drastic levels.

And that IS fault from all those “but it hurt my feelings” nerfs during this year despite of the questlines also helping a lot to that end.

Because in the end of the day recognize that you’re bad at the game isn’t a pleasing experience.

Quest Mage, last 72 hours according to HSR:

Platinum: 50.49%
Diamond: 50.04%
Legend: 47.95%
Top 1k: 46.39%


There is one problem with that data.

It is take from a metagame where the other popular decks are supposed to be good matchups.

In other words it is in 50% winrate with literally everything going it’s favor.
The deck is just weak.

Every single deck’s winrate is affected by the meta it’s participating in. You’re acting as if I said it was a fantastic deck right now when I never said such a thing.

It’s actually quite overplayed for how badly it matches up against the more aggressive decks out there. I was just pointing out, as was asked, that its winrate declines noticeably as you go up the ladder.


This is false. The aggregate data isn’t taken only from matches that go in the Mage’s favor.

What an odd thing to say.


Thank you kindly, @Wardrum. It would seem the deck is … well … crap.

Do you think it should’ve been nerfed in the first place?

VS’ analysis of the deck is pretty spot on.

You play Quest Mage if you want to counter Shaman or Warlock, or just because you like the deck that much. That’s pretty much it lol