Paly Countess card needs a nerf

They should NOT be able to play 3 legendaries for 0 mana that is STUPID.


Not even what I worry about when I fight a pally.


why not? you were in some kind of rush and forgot to write that bit

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tell me about it dude. i have a 10% winrate against pure/mech pallies.

one game, this pally gets dropped to one hp, after dropping countess. then he plays a jailor, and 2 varimithras. loss.

other game he plays countess, i get him down to 4 hp, and then he plays TWO rommaths from his invitations, gets 6 more. i conceded before seeing what else nonsense he was gonna get.

last game, he plays countess, gets 2 rags, and a rommath.

screw pure pally. and while im at it, screw undead priest too. both braindead decks where if you dont effectively end it in the first 4 turns you might as well concede.

this game is so poorly balanced its ridiculous. you either high roll or you lose. there is no in between. i have yet to have a game that isn’t either a complete blowout in my favor or theirs.

Whats funny is she got buffed cause pure was bad before.

Countess is not so good like you think. I have used it and I can sure you… it is giving useless Legendary minions in 50%… Thats why I stopped using it… And don’t forget the limitations of pure Paladin… It is not allowed to use natural cards, and thats why I never liked it…

as long as this helps to make you frustrated and lead you over time to want to create the deck you mention for blizzard, it’s excellent, this is the ultimate goal, your fun and serenity are not primary objectives, everything is constantly studied and managed by a very powerful AI (by now we know that an AI would know at all times which card you have to draw to win or lose) which is oriented to a single purpose: to induce a mass of millions of players to buy their service which, however ephemeral without anything physical with cards which have zero value as they are non-exchangeable and infinite in number, however they make millions of dollars rain every year in the manufacturer’s coffers and this is undeniable, it is an extraordinary thing, earning millions with something totally intangible is from customer management geniuses …

I have to agree now… since aggro Paladin is way over powered… Countess needs a big nerf… I have built aggro Paladin breaker deck and Countess won it eventually almoast every time… ridicules…