Paladins and Warlocks just make the game not fun

We’re almost a week into this expansion and i’m getting tired of it already.
Paladins are just broken. I mean who was the genius that thought to add lifesteal to an already broken weapon. You have 4 charges on it, it buffs your hand 4 times and… you get lifesteal on top of it. Then, you have the charge lifesteal minion, Amitus, Zilliax, you turtle the whole game and then Leeroy + windfury. Much skill, wow.
How is this balanced?

And then you have Warlocks, oh boy, another joy… 4 mana 7/7, sometimes 4 mana 8/8, clone one give it rush. Wheel, turtle, win. And they steal your mana crystals and you can’t do anything on top of that.

With Hunters is hit or miss, at least there’s that, but Paladins and Warlocks are just broken.

Meanwhile, the DH doesn’t have anything playable and this meta is a hot mess. Kurthus kills cards in your hand in a hand buff meta… yeah right…

LE: Also turn 5 OTK Shamans, 35 dmg.

GG Blizzard


DH is 3rd on HSReplay so they have to have SOME playable decks.

I have never raged this much at hearthstone in my life. I pretty much only have cards to play DK, and it loses 90% of the time, especially to warlocks and paladins which are basically the entire meta. Warlocks need some heavy nerfing to their sheer amount of board clears right now with their healing

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Watching a shaman at turn 6 able to drop a spell increase lowbie card then somehow copy lightning bolt to get 4 , then smack me dead with one more all of which cost 0. For a grand total 28. Deck balance for the win!