Paladin simps be like

iTs FaIr BeCaUsE iTs BoArD bAsEd

Bruh, it can OTK you from 30

Yeah cos its a combo deck. You can deal with Mage or druid killing you from hand why not Paladin?

Actual arguments made here.

I’m calling it. This is the most broken thing the format’s seen. Is this take too spicy?


I think people are overreacting.
It’s good but I’ve seen worse in other expansion starts.

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Maybe. How to consistently beat it though?

I lost one game against DK where Leeroy was buried in the bottom of my deck. Now I’m running Deckhand for redundancy.

Warrior is laughably unequiped to beat it. What else? I imagine Hunter just gets ruined by the lifesteal?

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I wouldn’t know about consistently beating any deck at this point bec it’s too early.
I only played Spell Mage and Reno Druid and have been winning and losing against Paladin so it doesn’t seem broken to me. Just a good deck.

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I’m not saying the new Pally deck isn’t strong, but I have yet to see anything worse than the release of DH. The mode literally turned into play DH and have a 50% chance to win or don’t and lose. My runner up would be QL Mage pre-nerf where it was just a game of solitaire.

I think the DH balls up was exacerbated by the fact that it was a brand new class so everyone wanted to play it anyway. Paladin now seems just as strong, but relatively speaking it’s still flying under the radar as realistically who wants to play Paladin unless they are forced to?

Absolutely, but pair it with it was incredibly strong and consistent and you have yourself the quickest nerfs after a release I’ve ever seen (that I can remember)

Honestly, I think I’m still recovering from librams lol

I miss playing libram in standard, thankfully hearth can give me a libram hand